
What is our responsibility to nature? ez 10 pts.?

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1-2 page essay if apple cable




  1. To leave it the way we found it.

  2. Just off the top of my head...consider the air we breath, the water we drink...the roads that are built with concrete et...  Cutting down of trees and such in the rainforests...if people don't consider nature then they are taking hugh risks that will have a domino effect on everyone in way or the other.  So what is our responsiblity to nature?  it is to consider the long run of what one is considering to do.  Look up some information concerning rainforests or endangered species et.  Austrila (sp?) brought in rabbits to help with one problem they had.  Only thing...the rabbits multiplied and although one problem may have been solved another one with the rabbits was created.  and if you are able to handwrite your essay then do it in big writing!  lol!  

  3. To leave it BETTER than we found it.

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