
What is overweight for a 14 year old girl?

by Guest44694  |  earlier

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I am 14, 5ft 7in, big boned, i know it's based mostly on that.

And i just need to know around how much i should weigh. Because i would like to get in shape, I've been working out plenty and eating right and I've only lost like on or two pounds.




  1. If you want to know if your weight is healthy you can go to this site-

  2. You can calculate your BMI (body mass index) online, you should be between 18-25. Over 25 is overweight.

  3. When you say big boned, you're pretty aware of how fat you are.

  4. you're 5'7, that's tall for your age, I'm 23 and 5'5. Whatever your weight, maintain a healthy weight, don't be in that 0 pant size category, guys aren't liking that anymore these days. Work out and tone yourself, have a bit of muscle, it's attractive in a woman, as you get older you'll be thankful you ate healthy and worked out. If you want to maintain your weight make sure to eat 2100 calories everyday and workout every 72 hours. And it's not about loosing pounds btw, or else you'll never be happy, it's just about tone and counting calories

  5. Take a look at this site. It tells you the right weight for your height for someone your age.


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  6. Youre FOURTEEN.  Just be a kid and worry about being anorexic in your 20's.  Thats better.

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