
What is palestine? and what is israel?

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and the difference between israel and palestine? I learned palestine was a name given by romans after they took jerusalem and renamed the city as aelia capitolina.. and palestine was a latin name or roman.. and was used in the first years of the church.. until our days..but Israel..I learned from the Bible.. Judea, Samaria, Galilee and gaza.. what are? are israel people who used to live in judea,samaria,galilee,gaza or the land was called Israel too..what's the difference medinat yisrael and israel? why Y? the palestinians who are they? are they caanites? the people who survived with israelites.. are they jews, christian bizantynes who converted to islam? during the islamic empire?




  1. The name Palestine is mentioned some 500 years before the jews in one of them Greek Philosopher's books.

    I can't remember his name though, but it's true.

    That's why there are so many Arabian Palestinians that believe in Jesus Christ. They are Greek Orthodox in faith.

    One Arab leader is Christian too.

    These people were living simple lives there until some jew leader decided to move his people in Middle East.

    The Romans you mention went there later.

    You must study History from day one if you want to have your facts right.

    Take care, Thomas.

  2. Palestine is Gaza, the West Bank and parts of Jerusalem

    Israel is Tel Aviv, Haifa and parts of Jerusalem

  3. They are two separate, independent states: Israel is the Jewish State, and Palestine is the Muslim State.


    Palestine is the country and Israel is the stolen land IN Palestine.

  5. The aboriginal people of Palestine are Philistinies and the aboriginal people of Israel are : Majority from Europe, latin America, and the minority from arab countries.


  6. yisrael is the hebrew term, israel is english

  7. Palestine is the country and Israel is the stolen land IN Palestine.

  8. Israel was a name given to Jacob by God

  9. Palestine is a small piece of land in the middle east. Arabs and Jews and Muslims and other cultural and religious groups lived side by side for generations.

    Then, with the backing of the UK and the USA, the racial-religious state, Israel, was created. Millions of Arab Palestinians were forced from their own land, their own homes, and became refugees in South Lebanon and other places. That's if they survived the armies of the Brits, the Israelis, and other Arab states that got involved in the fighting over the years.

    Among the founders of the state of Israel was one who justified the creation of this state by saying that the Palestinians never existed. They did exist. They do exist. They keep fighting to be returned to their lands. Palestinians do not want a Muslim state, they want a democratic state where Arabs and Jews and anybody else can live in peace and freedom - freedom to worship, to work, to speak.

    Palestinians are a people without a land. Israelis are those who now occupy the land where the Palestinians used to live.

  10. A lot of good questions.

    This land is ancient and it is very difficult to answer your question in just a few words.  I will try however.

    What we know, and is beyond dispute, is that when the Jews first travelled to the Middle East, they found a large number of tribes of various ethnic backgrounds in the area.

    One of the tribes were the Philistines.  We have little information on their origins but some believe that they have some connection to the Greeks.  The word Palestine comes from these people and is of Greek origin.

    Palestine was not a name given by the Romans.  They just changed the name back to what it had always historically been called and the name that it was still probably known as unofficially.

    The Bible tells us that they fought various tribes and over time conquered land and established the ancient kingdom of Israel.  This historical kingdom of Israel existed as an independent state from about 930 BCE until around 720 BCE when it was conquered by the Assyrian Empire.

    So when know that the Kingdom of Israel was built on land that was known as Palestine, and which had been won through war.  

    Who are the Palestinian people?  They are the original inhabitants of the area.  Their ancestors lived in the land before the arrival of the jews and before recorded history.

    The israelites were the religious Jewish people that lived in the kingdom of Israel.  There were many other ethnic groups their following a variety of different religions but were considered second class citizens.

    The Canaanites (Phoenicians) were another ethnic group people living in the area.

    The people surviving the Jews intermarried with the various ethnic groups and changed their religion back and fourth through the thousands of years that have passed.

    So what we have learnt, is that the area has a long history with a large number of ethnic groups living shoulder to shoulder.  Into this came the Jews who were initially successful in war and won land to establish their kingdom.  later they lost the land to other groups in battle.

  11. Israel is a country, reestablished in 1948, it's former name was Palestine. What people now call palestine is a fictional territory which they also pretend Israel occupies. The occupation of these parts of Israel which the world calls palestine ended in 1967 when Israel regained these parts of Israel from Jordan and Egypt which occupied these parts of Israel from 1948. Palestinians are just arabs, the world favourite fake refugees. There really is no occupation and there really are no refugees. Palestinians are just plain arabs.

  12. Israel is the Jewish State,  Palestine is the West bank and gaza that giving to the arabs by israel , but it is not  a state yet (although they think it is.)

    there is no difference between medinat yisrael and israel, it's the same meaning - like you will say United States and america.

    palestinians are the Muslim arabs.  

  13. 1.A former British mandate on the east coast of the Mediterranean; divided between Jordan and Israel in 1948

    2.An ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea; a place of pilgrimage for Christianity and Islam and Judaism  

  14. They are two idiotic neighboring countries fighting each other for more than 60 years

  15. No. Palestine is the name of the region since at least 500 B.C. when Herodotus wrote his "History". Why jews keep insisting it was conferred by the the Romans I could not say,but it is manifestly incorrect; every library has a copy of Herodotus. He makes extentsive mention of Syria,Palestine and Phoenicia but no references to jews or any jewish kingdom. I'm sure it mere mythology. There is no evidence that jews ever dominated Palestine,only tiny Judea and Samaria. Other than that the population was always Syriac and Greek.

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