
What is paraguay's typical dance and food?

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What is paraguay's typical dance and food?




  1. They love bland food, but they also make killer meat empanadas, chipas (BBQ toasted cheese bread), and pork kebobs.

    They love to drink Yerba Mate. It's a holly tea that is medicinal. It's kind of bitter, but is pretty good. It is almost as strong as coffee. It is a shared drink, they make it in a large cup and sip from a bombilla (straw with a strainer) and pass it on.

    At the regular parties, they line up in rows, facing their friends and salsa dance.  Meaning sway dancing in a small area.  At festivals, they do the bottle dance where women dance with 7 bottles stacked up on their heads.  Funny, eh?

  2. paraguay has nothing to do with chile...

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