
What is pasta? how can i sell?

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what is pasta? im living in india, i want to start restaurant of pasta, i want know more about pasta?how many types?how can i sell in my restaurant?please help me, i dont know about pasta?




  1. Pasta was introduces by Marco Polo back in the millionth century when He went to China. Some years later, Marco Polo, went back home to italiy where he introduce this rare dish. Soon, people from This country liked it and now you have  anywhere from Macironni, To Ravivioli. And you may need a noodle machine to help with your bussiness

  2. Pasta is delicious and very versatile. It can be used in a number of different dishes with different types of sauces, in salads, casseroles and so on. (Personally I think that vodka sauce and pesto are the top 2 best) There are many different types of pasta which are ideal for different dishes.

    good luck with your restaurant.

  3. pasta is just like mmmmmm indian sewaiya with salt tho you can made diff kinna pasta with veg , ground meat, and so many other things go to to find out

  4. Pasta is a type of food made from the flour of certain grains mixed with water and/or eggs, which is then kneaded and formed into various shapes, and boiled prior to consumption. While the name, and all pasta types, come from Italy, pasta is very popular all over the world. The English word pasta generally refers to noodles and other food products made from a flour and water paste, often including egg and salt. Less frequently, the term maccheroni (macaroni in English) is used for the same products, especially when in combination with cheese.

    Go to this URL for more:

    Hope this helps!

  5. if you're a should sell something that you are good at cooking...something that everyone raves about.

    pasta is the easy part....the different sauces and gravys is what you should be looking into...a great pasta has a great "something" on top of it.

    good luck to you.

  6. Ok look there are many kind ok pasta you can go to the store and get the kind. What you have to do is boil the paste in water. And put sauce in it

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