
What is patriotism - are you for or against it?

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or neutral for that matter?




  1. nothing is wrong with Patriotisum   its wonderful

    i love Scotland  and i die to protect it. i tell everyone about it and i want it free from the union


  2. I am praying for all the beautiful families that send their loved ones to protect our Nation.  That is patriotism.

    HONOR shown by our soldiers, & respect to their commanders are miracles most of us could NOT perform. THAT is PATRIOTISM.

    What MIGHTY people our soldiers are! To go out as Christ did to do what they are commanded to do.

    A soldiers belief system is an example IN courage that WE ALL must duplicate.


    From YOUR petty countrymen...

    Thank YOU all families that make the sacrifice , being with out them for their enlistment.  THAT IIIIS PATRIOTISM.

    YOU all should be validated as the BEST of the STRONG, Validated and celebrated for YOUR GIFT to our country , in a time when people forget HOW WONDERFUL our LIBERTIES are.The PURSUIT of happiness we are guaranteed~

      Through the ages many lives changed by loss suffered for US. =PaTrIoTiSm.....

    Dear God,I pray as I hope others do~for the safety of our people.Amen


    Debra Zurenda A.

    My porch THIS Christmas:

    my flag~

  3. Im for it,  there's nothing wrong with supporting your country's traditions. I love Scotland :)

  4. Patriotism is standing firm against tyranny in your government, standing up when others are too cowardly too, to tell your Government "Hey quit lying to us, quit abusing your powers". I am a Patriot, I have all but given up on the cause for America I just want Texas to pull out of this unholy union called America or be destroyed along with her.. The time is coming when Americans will have to suffer and answer for what we have allowed our Government to do in our name,. To lie to start wars, to kill off its own people to have a reason for war, to say we are A Christian nation, when we are exactly the opposite, the only god for this country is  money and power, and world domination.. New Babylon will fall, and she will fall hard and fast, hope you are in the right place when it happens..

  5. America, THE USA I believe with all my heart, love it or leave it.  Sorry an answer does not need to be complicated to be clear.

  6. i don't like it, i think it breeds racism and hate.

    how can you be proud of being born in a country? its not like you had a choice

  7. am for patriotism cant wait till the british union is broken up so i can be proud of being english without it carrying the stigma of being a racist

  8. probably neutral.  i believe that where you are from does play a major role in your personality and it is therefore good to have some pride in your town, region and country.  it is absolutely wrong to take this to extremes and be jingoistic.  the american style of fervent patriotism is nauseating to all who are not americans.  they really should recognise that in themselves.  i have a particular problem showing my patriotism as i am british.  our national anthem calls for "god" to save our queen.  well "god" doesn't exist and i despise the royalty that have imposed themselves on us and robbed the true people of this country over centuries.  i could not possibly feel pride when that music plays.  it could never inspire me.  that's a shame, i envy people from other countries that can be inspired by their anthems.

  9. they that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety" - Ben Franklin

    this is what happened during the Mcarthy era and what is happening now with Bush. real patriotism is saying the emperor is naked instead of letting the emperor use fear to do what he wants and call those who stand against him as unpatriotic.

  10. It's love of country and its traditions. If nobody gives a d**n, and many don't care about the UK at present, how can a country survive when you spend all your time worrying about foreigners? If you are against a 'nation state structure', what sort of structure would you replace it with?

    You can't be against, or neutral, without spelling out a workable alternative.


    Patriotism and Nationalism are not the same thing. Nationalism, is where you think that you are superior to people from other countries. Many people fail to make a correct distinction between these two terms.

  11. patriotism is backing and being proud of your country and doing the right thing, most people think following , turning a blind eye and backing there government is a patriotic act , not so .

  12. Fantastic attribute when utilised in the right fashion. Every citizen of a country has the right and a duty to be proud of and to remain true to his country

  13. Patriotism is not necessarily about country. It may be about the paternal line. Patriotism can be a defense of the clan against the country, where country appears to be at odds with one's own nation.

    In Canada we have multiple nations within one country, where we see the word nation as meaning a group of people with common ancestry, common culture, and having defined boundaries. But we have one country. Patriotism to one will be to their own nation while to another it is to Canada.

    We start nations to provide families protection from other nations, and we start countries for the same reason. Countries can protect the nations within the borders, or it can allow the internal nations to abuse one another.

    We find many examples around the world of smaller nations who feel abused within a country. The nations feel that their land is being occupied by a foreign power to be overthrown. Patriotism can then be a firm intent to get rid of that yoke of oppression.

    A classic example might be Iraq. It has been cobbled together for administrative purposes under Ottoman rule, with part of aq Kurd nation, part of a Shiite Arabic nation and a Sunni Arabic sub-nation. In each case the sub nation has been carved out to leave claims of sovereignty a hanging dagger.

    Sunni Arabs  have until recently made it clear that they intend to  dominate, and have not renounced that objective. Now we might say that they should all just get along for the good of the country, but Kurds want to be part of a Kurd country, Shiite are eager to end Sunni domination. So the country per se has not a good reason to continue to exist. It would be better cleaved into ists component nations.

    In good time it might decide to federate, or not. It might happily go on as multiple countries. We should not be too country proud to allow internal nations to stay or become independent nations.

  14. "Patriotism is supporting your country all of the time and your government when it deserves it."

    ~ Mark Twain

  15. Am for patriotism.

    There is a difference between being patriotic and wanting to exploit other countries, being racist, or not wanting to live in peace with other cultures though.

    Also being patriotic not only means being proud of your country, but a true patriot should be aware of the mistakes his or her country has made to ensure that they are not made again.

  16. Patriotism is a good thing.  Partiotism is love for one's country.  A lot of people nowadays confuse that with love for the Government.  You can be Patriotic and still dislike the government.

  17. Patriotism = Nationalism = To  Love one's country or nation.

  18. Patriotism is being proud of being whatever your nationalism is.  It can be like a family.  You may not like everything in it; however, you rally to its defense when someone else attacks or defames it. I am for patriotsm.  I am not for blind patriotism.

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