
What is peoples perception of what h**l is?

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i was wondering what people think h**l is? Or what it would be like? Serious answers please?




  1. I think the Christian concept of h**l as a place of eternal, fiery torment is a fiction devised to frighten people into obedience. At the same time, I think it also appeals to powerless people's desires for judgment and vengeance upon wrongdoers--you might not be able to bring the bad guys to justice, but God will.

    If h**l exists, it's here on Earth, in this life.

  2. Sorry to tell you Kristy, but the gal above me is right...

  3. karma i think it's were people pay off all of ta bad things that they did but get readmitted to heaven

  4. well, i like to read the book of revelation but it's really confusing.  the 3 1/2 last years of the tribulation is kind of what i think h**l is like but worse; torture.  just accept him into your heart and you don't have to worry about it ;-)

  5. i think that people think that h**l is a dark place where the devil lives and there is fire and lava. People think that if you live bad in this life then you will do to h**l. and if you do nothing but good then you will go to heaven

  6. It's torture:(

    accept God if you haven't already so you might be with him in heaven forever

  7. Here is a serious answer. Most people perceive it as earthly fire, but the analogy doesn't hold for the following reasons :

    1- we lit fire to serve our purposes. h**l is lit for those who didn't fulfill the purpose of being on earth.

    2- E fire doesn't smell bad. h**l smell stinky from ( miles).

    3- U can put out E fire when U R done w/. h**l not.

    4- E fire occupies a limited space. h**l not.

    5- E fire burns until ashes. h**l burns and reconstruct,to burn again.

    6- E fire is colorful . h**l is a mono color (called darkness).

    7- E fire 'd be out when the fuel finished. h**l not

    8- E fire was supplied 4 all.h**l's designed 4 special creatures.

    I think that is enough answer. don't U think so ? :-)

  8. i would think your house is.  i could not even talk with you.  i know this by reading you question.     OMG

  9. burning of the souls forever

  10. Well i do not think it is an actual place underground with red flames and a giant red devil (that is what i thought when i was little)- but more of a place were your spirit stays trapped forever, and you never become recarnated (sorry if i spelled it wrong!).

    well then again, people will really never truly know where you will go when you die, but i think that is the point of dying. What i'm trying to say is that you should not be afraid of dying- be afraid of the life yet to come.

  11. i think, in peoples' lifetimes, they gather, sub consiously, what they think is their ideal world, and what they would consider h**l. if you go to somewhere peaceful, i think that your sub consious would keep that stored, and if you go to heaven, i think that will be there. if you go to somewhere you think is horrible, and wouldnt go there ever again, i think your sub consious would deem that your h**l. as you go throughout life, i believe that as you gather ideas of your perfect world, and your hellish world. when you die, i think, depending on where you go, you will end up with one of the two. h**l, to me, is a place where i cannot think. where i am alive, but i cannot possess an imagination, where nothing is real or where information cannot be used for anything... it is really scary to me, and there are other aspects too, but either way, those are the points i was trying to make.

    i hope i answered the question well enough!

    -Angela Christine (Angel is my nickname)

  12. One horrible place to spend an eternity!  I don't want to know!

    Nobody knows really, to my knowledge.  There are certainly none here to give credence to it's perception!

  13. Everyone I have known, and most everyone I have discussed the concept of h**l with, is in agreement....its the "fiery doom"...a place of torment.

    As for myself, I believe, if it is anything at all (which I don't believe it is) that it is nothing more than complete oblivion. If Christianity promises a rebirth into a perfected world, then I can imagine no punishment more detestable than to be completely gone, no chance of rebirth, no memory left of ones ever having been. Oblivion.

  14. 2 points. wooo.

  15. I think its my life

  16. Its a punishmeht for all the sinners who know what they are doing.They go on and do the same thing over and over and they know its bad.....So sin is torment for all bad pplesD

    Well i know im not going and its not imaginary...for all da pple who think dat.

  17. h**l for me was at the age of ten and I realized I was mortal.

  18. h**l is being sent back here, but it a totally different skin - most likely one of a creature you found disgusting, scorned, or tortured when you were here as a human.  

    If, for example, I loathed spiders, my h**l would be my soul staying here but being hatched and living through a spiders body.

  19. fiery,boring with a bad horned dude

  20. h**l is filled with women only and its inside a mall.

  21. Seriously?

    Living h**l is when your life is absolutely terrible and torturous

    h**l is a form of afterlife, created by religion, to give their followers a reason to remain followers. That's all. I don't believe in it.

    That said, my "personal h**l" would be something with lots of pink, high heels and cheesy pop....*shudder*.

  22. Hot, unhappy, depressing.

  23. a lie

  24. Imaginary; seriously.

  25. There can be no worse h**l,

    Than this World in which we live!

  26. It is a state of mind which we live with in the present, not the afterlife. As a great teacher once pointed out, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at HAND". This means that it is within reach, not in the clouds, not in the future, "at hand". So then, the kingdom of h**l must be the opposite. Perhaps it is that which is just OUT  of reach, such as the material possessions we desire and spend our lives pursuing. And in so doing lose the meaning of living.

  27. I don't believe in a "h**l".

  28. h**l on Earth may be different, but ask anyone evolved with the 911 incident in New York, or perhaps New Orleans during Katrina. h**l in itself is a figurative place that may mean different things to different people. Reliving the worse moments in our live over and over. Having no way out of a continued nightmare. Knowing we could have done things better and choose not to for our own selfish reasons.

    A good imagination can not even come close to what may actually be the reality of what h**l is, but the best words I have ever read was Eternal Condemnation. For me that means there is no 2nd chance at doing things over, there is no way for redemption, and eternal puts a time frame on it that you need to pay attention to.

  29. h**l is a metaphor, a literary device, an analogy, a symbolic representation, etc. h**l is anything, but real.

  30. your worst nightmare, pure tourture that will last for a eternity.

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