
What is perfection to you people is there a way to gain?

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Is it possible if there is a way how

If perfection is gained does power come with




  1. Perfection = impossible

    There's nothing a priori to understand it, so it's stuck in the realm of subjectivity. Make it what you will.

  2. ...perfection is your own self evaluation...enjoy...

  3. no.

  4. Sure, just look at the one and only perfect person who ever lived: Jesus Christ.

    Now He has POWER!

  5. Perfection is not logistically possible because NOBODY knows for sure what Perfection is. Perfection is as abstract as the air we breathe. We can't see it. Perfection can't gain power because people doesn't know what Perfection is. There is not a SET definition on what perfection is or what it is!!

  6. Perfection is your state right now because true perfection cannot be defined and thus is never attainable.

  7. Perfection is God and the only way a mere human can come close to that is by our faith in the Christ.

    The perfection of the Messiah is so much that those who have a living faith in Him are covered by His perfection. There are those who have come before the Christ was here and they have done the best they could with what they knew, these too the Christ knows. Because it isn't just those who know the Christ that are saved, but those whom the Christ knows as well. Trust me there are literally billions that have never heard of the Christ but the Messiah knows them!!!

    They as well as the faithful in knowledge are covered & clothed in the white cloth of Jesus' sacrifice, and come our day of judgment we are "seen as perfect" in God's eyes.

    So ... there is perfection, not in this world but still we can attain it by the faith we have in God and His salvation.

  8. I think it's depends on your own belief, because there are no certain measures. Although, people try to behave like perfectionists, but there are limits to it. Certain task you can perform without any doubt and call it perfect, but there are thing that which always have a room for developments or progress one way or other.

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