
What is pitch?

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Is 'high and low frequencies' a good way to describe pitch?




  1. Pitch is the musician's term for the frequency of a note. Pitch refers to how high or low a note sounds. High pitches are on the right side of the piano keyboard and low pitches are on the left side of the piano keyboard. Pitch ranges are often referred to in terms of the human singing voice.

    Soprano - a high woman's voice

    Alto - a low woman's voice

    Tenor - a high man's voice

    Bass - a low man's voice

    The accepted pitch standard is A-440, i.e., the note A above middle C has a frequency of 440 cycles per second.

  2. The specific quality of a sound that makes it a recognizable tone. Pitch defines the location of a tone in relation to others, thus giving it a sense of being high or low.
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