
What is planet X?

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So what is this planet X, 2012 rubbish about?




  1. It's about some lame conspiracy theory saying that some planet will enter the solar system and kill us all. And that's it really in a nutshell.

  2. Planet X is a asteroid. That they found behind Pluto. Its much larger than Pluto. Scientist Quite calling Pluto a planet because of it's size. But They are still debating on wither making planet x are ninth planet. Hope this helps (Resource Science Mag)

  3. I think that scientists believe there is a planet after Pluto, called Planet X in our solar system.

    I don't know no c**p about 2012 except that the next Euro is that time.


    Germany For Euro2008!

  4. its this planet where aerosmith and revolution x call home,it tilts on a 47 degree axis until the stars smuck the sky, then you can see the big dipper and the stars align to create an equilax, according to Steiner

  5. Good point, the planet is meant to be coming back round here in 2012 and aliens are meant to be living on it.

    Spells the end of mankind.....apparently.

  6. In 2012, There will be no "Planet X" that has giants on it that will apparently rape our human women and make us dig for gold because the anniku (however you spell it, I don't pay enough attention) tells us too. (by the way, this is the story associated with planet x, incase you didn't know)

    However, there actually might be a planet x that resides outside the orbit of pluto. Scientists estimate that it could range anywhere between 30-70 times more massive than the size of earth and would be covered in ice.

    The existence of planet x could be responsible for some "unusual features" of the kiper belt. Weird.

  7. Since the discovery of the planet Neptune in 1846, there has been considerable speculation that another planet might exist beyond the orbit of Neptune. In the years since then, various identified objects and hypothesized bodies in the region of the Solar System beyond the orbit of Neptune have been temporarily identified as the "ninth planet", the "tenth planet", or "Planet X".

    The Planet X hypothesis was first postulated by Percival Lowell in the late 19th century to explain apparent discrepancies in the orbits of the gas giants, especially those of Uranus and Neptune. Lowell speculated that the gravity of a large unseen planet could have perturbed their orbits enough to account for the irregularities. Those irregularities were resolved in the early 1990s using measurements made by the Voyager 2 spacecraft.[1] Today, the astronomical community widely agrees that Planet X, as originally envisioned, does not exist. However, the concept of Planet X has been revived by a number of astronomers to explain other anomalies observed in the outer Solar System. In popular culture, and even among some astronomers,[2] "Planet X" has become a stand-in term for any undiscovered planet in the outer Solar System, regardless of its gravitational effect.

  8. Don't you just love it when people say "they have discovered" or "scientists say that"? I'd like to know where these people get their science news from, because it ain't from where I get mine.

    I guess it's beyond the wit of some people to discriminate between what some crank says on youtube, and official press releases from credible scientific institutions.

  9. Read all about how it was supposed to arrive in 2003.

    Then ask yourself, "Did any of this happen?" Then ask the further question, "Do these cranks have the faintest idea what they're talking about?"

  10. its some kind of asteroid or something :o

    but there's a zillion of those, so its nothing special.

    the 2012 stuff is about the crystal skulls. the mayan calendar ends december 21 2012.

    humans probably need one more level of evolution or something.. idk

    or maybe it doesnt?idk

    because whatever made the crystal skulls has a million crystals and stuffz in em... and computers have a tiny crystal in their chips that store computer information... so the skulls must have like... alota information storage space.

    or something.

    or maybe if humans get all 13, they will "evolve" more or something in 2012... like all the information in the crystal skulls is "revealed" to the humans.  maybe the mayans are just weerd and picked that random date.


    but yeah i dont think something retarded is gonna happen "like da end of da wooooorld"

    because the end of the world would probably be interesting.

    the mayans think they're so smart -.-

    time has something to do with planets [duh]

    and we dont know wahts on planets [cuz were retarded]

    soo yah.. some people think aliens stole the skulls.

    because they have like.,.. carvings and stuff that have pics of aliens and stuff on em DX

    i feel like a nerd :D

    but stuff about aliens and space and stuff is kewl :o

  11. 15th planet in our solar system

  12. i think that's the planet covered in ice that they found behind pluto but i'm not sure
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