
What is plasma???

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What is plasma???




  1. Plasma, in physics, usually gaseous state ofmatterin which a part or all of the atoms or molecules are dissociated to form ions

    Plasma in biology, clear, yellowish liquid that forms the fluid portion of blood and lymph.  Plasma transports red and white blood cells and platelets

    About 55 percent of the blood is composed of liquid known as plasma. The rest of the blood made of three major types of cells: red blood cells

  2. It depends on which subject your talking about.....

    Anatomy, Physiology. the liquid part of blood or lymph, as distinguished from the suspended elements.

    Physics. a highly ionized gas containing an approximately equal number of positive ions and electrons.

  3. liquid portion of the blood that still contains the coagulation factors...

  4. Too many kinds.  You didn't specify.

  5. It has 2 quite different meanings

    1. If you filter out all the solid parts of blood (red and white cells, platelets etc) you end up with a salty liquid called plasma. Because it has no cells it doesn't have to be matched for blood type in transfusions

    2. As you probably know, all substances are made up of atoms and these are all made up of protons, electrons and neutrons. If you heat things up enough (many thousands of degrees C) things break down into a sort of uniform gas of these three things and that's called plasma too

  6. often called the fourth state of matter

    check out link


    Plasma may refer to:

    Blood plasma-----the yellow-colored liquid component of blood, in which blood cells are suspended.

    Milk plasma-----the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained.

    Plasma (KDE)-----a reimplementation and redesign of the KDE free desktop environment for Linux.

    Plasma (physics)-----an ionized gas, usually considered to be a distinct state of matter.

    Plasma----bright green chalcedony, sometimes found with small spots of jasper resembling blood drops.

    Plasma display-----a flat-panel electronic visual display technology.

    Plasma effect-----a computer-based animated visual effect, used in graphics demonstrations.

    Plasma lamp-----novelty items which were most popular in the 1980s.


  8. the liquid part of blood or lymph, as distinguished from the suspended elements.


    a highly ionized gas containing an approximately equal number of positive ions and electrons.

  9. Plasma is a fourth state of matter identified by Sir William Crookes, an English physicist in 1879.The word "PLASMA" was first applied to ionized gas by Dr. Irving Langmuir, an American chemist and physicist, in 1929.

    Plasma consists of a collection of free moving electrons and ions - atoms that have lost electrons. Energy is needed to strip electrons from atoms to make plasma.Plasma can be accelerated and steered by electric and magnetic fields, which allows it to be controlled and applied.

    If you mean blood plasma: Blood plasma is the liquid component of blood, in which the blood cells are suspended. It is a yellow colored liquid and is the largest single component of blood, making up about 55 percent of total blood volume.

  10. In physics and chemistry, a plasma is typically an ionized gas, and is usually considered to be a distinct state of matter in contrast to gases because of its unique properties. "Ionized" means that at least one electron has been dissociated from, or added to, a proportion of the atoms or molecules.

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  11. Simply put, plasma is superheated, charged gas. As one heats hydrogen, it eventually boils, then it boils away its electron cloud, leaving a nucleus.

    This is why plasmas are used in fusion.

  12. plasma is the liquid part of blood or lymph, as distinguished from the suspended elements.

  13. Its an expensive TV

  14. stars are made of plasma


    There are all different kinds of plasma.  This link should give the information you are looking for.

  16. A highly excited state of matter...

    ....such as fire.
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