
What is poetry...........?

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What is poetry...........?




  1. Poetry is the art of conveying an emotion, image, concept, etc. with words that evoke more than the words alone convey.  For example, if I say,  "the sunrise was pretty", it doesn't say very much...if I say, "the sunrise was a beautiful shade of pink and lavender and the colors reflected off the clouds", you'd have a better idea of what I saw...but, if I said, "the lord of the East opened his eyes and sent rays of blazing splendor up into the heavens, illuminating candy clouds that pulled against the morning breeze"...that's poetry.  The difference is that I evoked other images not directly related to a sunrise to make you not only "see" what I saw, but "feel" the way I felt when I saw it. That's what poetry "takes you there" when it's done right.  When Robert Frost tells us about the Road Less Traveled By, he's not just creating an image of the road, but he's really telling us about a make-believe road, a metaphorical road, one that doesn't exist in the physical sense, but you still "see" it just the same.  That, again, is what poetry does...and poetry is.

    I hope this helps more than just a dictionary's definition

  2. I have always thought that , among other meanings more conventional,

    that poetry is'''

    'written phrases that are open to interpretaion'

    I know that plenty of poetry is written at 'face value', easily understood by all....children's nursery rhymes for instance...but my favorite description is

    'verse where imagery is dominant over face value'..Bob Dylan's writing style for instance. Many of his early writings can be considered poetry as well as songs..Leonard Cohen as well...explore their writings, and see if you agree...

  3. describes it quite clearly:

    the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts.

    Basically, poetry is not just a story where someone is explaining a situation, but a flowing arrangement of phrases that is soothing to read.

    I hope this answers your question!

  4. Poetry is what your heart sings until your mind finds the right words to put them on paper.  It is love, hatred, war, peace, kindness, horror ... it is life put to the music of painting with words.  (That is the name of my book.)

  5. poetry is your heart

    its your brain

    no need to be smart

    it comes from within

    writing it out

    this is what poetry is all about

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