
What is postal code of Palestine?

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  1. 00972 is the dialing land line phone code (which still belongs to "israel"), and 00970 is the Palestinian dialing cell phone code.
    The question is about the "POSTAL" code ?! I think the owners of websites asking about Palestine Postal Code are confused and they don't have answer, because websites asking about this code are established abroad (not in Palestine) and all countries have Postal code. And Palestine is not a state yet !

  2. 00972 is the dialing land line phone code (which still belongs to "israel"), and 00970 is the Palestinian dialing cell phone code.
    The question is about the "POSTAL" code ?! I think the owners of websites asking about Palestine Postal Code are confused and they don't have answer, because websites asking about this code are established abroad (not in Palestine) and all countries have Postal code.

  3. I want to know qalqilia postal code

  4. the international dailing code for Palestine is 00970-
    00972 is Israel international dailing code

  5. that's the phone code 00972

  6. it's 00972

  7. ?? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ???

  8. What is the postal code for Palestinian Occupied Territory?

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