
What is power yoga?

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is it helpful to reduce anxiety...nervousness...and many other emotional problem.




  1. a bunch of yoga crammed in to a little session to get a lil more of a workout....just faster least that is what i got out of it

  2. Yes, I practice hatha yoga, a more mainstream version. Ashtanga or power yoga is more demanding and emphasizes rapid flow, rather than static poses. A wonderful benefit of yoga is that you become so challenged and engrossed in performing the poses that your mind doesn't have time to engage in anxiety or nervousness. When I have problems that I'm thinking over in my head ad infinitum, I especially notice a mental break during yoga class, like a vacation from life's pressures.

  3. The word yoga is used often to mean some exercise or so.

    From that point of view, there are certain breathing practices, whereby the anxiety , nervousness etc get reduced.

    The principle behind it is that body, mind & breath are closely connected.

    While controlling the mind is difficult, body can be sufficiently controlled during such practice (exercise), and also the breath. Thus mind can be calmed down considerably!

    But, the pursuit of yoga is for a much higher purpose, and healthy body & mind are just incidental side benefits!

  4. A combination of traditional yoga with dynamic exercises. Places demands on all of the muscles, boosting circulation and improving muscle tone.

    A form of yoga with an accelerated succession of yoga body postures.

    Is a demanding sequence of yoga positions based on the classical Ashtanga system but designed to make you sweat. Total Yoga Cardio work out...


    PS> Yes Yoga improves the way you think.. this reduces nervousness, anxiety.. and help control the emotional imbalances.

  5. it is magic

  6. They have made yoga a mockery with every conceivable word in the dictionery.You can see:Dog yoga, naked yoga etc and now this power yoga; nothing but a secured means to bite at your purse by something different idea.

  7. u fallow varun answer

  8. An ancient practice that uses special positions (asanas) and breath control to stretch and tone the body, improve circulation, calm the central nervous system and induce a meditative and all-embracing state of being.

  9. Yoga is nothing but peace .to know who u r .U will live happily, healthy &  in peace .

  10. Power yoga is a general term used in the West to describe a vigorous, fitness-based approach to vinyasa-style yoga. Most power yoga is closely modeled on the Ashtanga style of practice. The term "power yoga" came into common usage in the mid 1990s, when several yoga teachers were looking for a way to make Ashtanga yoga more accessible to western students. Unlike Ashtanga, power yoga does not follow a set series of poses. Therefore, any power yoga class can vary widely from the next. What they have in common is an emphasis on strength and flexibility. The advent of power yoga heralded yoga's current popularity, as people began to see yoga as a way to work out. Power yoga brought yoga into the gyms of America

  11. Power yoga is the epitome of a superficial, minute fraction of yoga. In fact, it does not warrant the status of  yoga, and is a clear misrepresentation of the essence of yoga. In reality, it is one eighth of a comprehensive yoga practice, and its methodologies are related to physical exercise, rather than yoga. Contrary to popular western belief, yoga is not exercise, but rather a system of healing leading to Self-realization when practiced at its highest level.  If Patanjali, the founder of yoga himself could witness this abomination he would most certainly cry, because the system he created has been reduced to mere ashes by the western mindset.

    Yoga is this: One of six systems of Hindu philosophy, which ultimately means to join or yoke. (yui) Yoga teaches methodologies by which the perceived individual spirit (jivatman) can be united with the universal spirit (Paramatma). Yoga in its true form has many methods that will reduce, and eventually eliminate anxiety, nervousness and emotional problems.  However, so called "power" yoga may actually exacerbate these problems by aggravating vata and pitta doshas.  Also, it must be presented that the people teaching power yoga are generally fitness trainers and are generally uneducated in regards to authentic yoga.  

    I can write a lengthly essay on this topic, but have neither the time, nor inclination to do so. In closing, power yoga is nothing more than a western exercise-oriented, dynamic asana practice that perpetuates the "I am the body" idea," and is designated to reside in the shallowest end of the yoga pool right next to Bikram or hot yoga. It is merely a case of mistaken identity.

    In closing, I state that power yoga is not to be confused with Ashtanga vinyasa yoga developed by Pattabhi Jois. Ashtanga vinyasa is a solid tradition and an authentic form of Hatha yoga. It is especially useful for young, or adolescent children. If one feels the need to practice a dynamic form of yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa under the guidance of a reputable teacher is where they should look. Leave power yoga where it belongs: In a gym atmosphere along with the clanging of weights.

  12. yes it is good and helpful , however do not try without the proper guidance, take Yoga trainer help.

  13. yoga is the best medicine one could ever have for all the phsyical, mental, psychological strains. It will give the best remedies for anxiety, tension,fear, emotional imbalancement,to look younger,etc. ..... so be happy that you are learning something good in life and for better healthy life. but you ahve to keep practicing it regularly to see the effect.

  14. yes ,it really helps the people

    daily doing yoga brings the mind relaxe

    me too when i am in tesion i do relaxation by doing yoga

    really it is a good power to redue anxiety

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