
What is precum, does it have Sperm????

by Guest34382  |  earlier

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does is contain Sperm, on just s***n?????




  1. precum is **** but in a small amount before ejaculated. precum does have sperm (s***n an sperm same thing) but in small amounts then ejaculation( obviously because of amount)

    if you didn't know this you shouldn't have s*x

    you can get pregnant off over it to

  2. When a man has an erection, often times fluids leak out before he actually orgasms. This is pre-ejaculate or "pre-***". It can definitely contain sperm and can get a girl pregnant.

  3. Precum is the stuff that comes out before sperm and yes it has sperm in it.  Sperm is the same stuff as s***n.  You better not be having s*x.

  4. It is fluid that lubricates the urethra to prepare for ejaculation.  So things "go smoothly"

    It itself does not contain sperm, but can wash out sperm still in the urethra from the last ejaculation.  So it can still get a girl pregnant.

    And s***n is not sperm, its sperm mixed with male bodily fluids  they acquire in the seminal vescicle

  5. oh my we slept through health class

  6. Yes, of course it does, and that is exactly why the pull out method doesn't work without protection. Pre-ejac causes SO many teen pregnancies.

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