
What is pressure trend?

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I have this lab due in a couple days and I'm supposed to fill out the pressure trend (as talking about weather) for various days. What is it?




  1. Pressure Trend shows the direction of change (higher, lower, steady) of the barometric pressure over the last three hours.

    -. "Rising Rapidly" is indicated if the pressure increases > 2 mb

    -. "Rising Slowly" is indicated if the pressure increases >1 mb but < 2 mb

    -. "Steady" is indicated if the pressure changes < 1 mb

    -. "Falling Slowly" is indicated if the pressure falls > 1 mb but < 2 mb

    -. "Falling Rapidly" is indicated when the pressure decreases > 2 mb

    there are specific guidelines that assign values to different pressure characteristics based on Official National Weather Service guidelines:

    Pressure Falling Rapidly >> A decrease in station pressure at a rate of 0.06 inch of mercury or more per hour which totals 0.02 inch or more.

    Pressure Rising Rapidly >> An increase in station pressure at a rate of 0.06 inch of mercury or more per hour which totals 0.02 inch or more.

    Pressure Unsteady >> A pressure that fluctuates by 0.03 inch of mercury or more from the mean pressure during the period of measurement.

    i hope this is what you want.

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