
What is proper age to inroll my son in Krate?

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What is proper age to inroll my son in Krate?




  1. Usually they will take a child that is at the age of 5 years of age. You may want to check out some the Karate Schools that are in your area and sit in on it and watch what they do and how they teach because some Karate Schools are different and they teach different then other people do and also to see if your son would like it. It  teaches Disipline and it is good for young children. I have been in Taewondo(sp) and I had learned a lot out of it.

  2. Do you mean Karate? It really depends on the child. Some children are fine to start at the age of 3 and others tend to do better once they are over 6. I say go with your gut feeling on this one. Try it and if it doesn't work out then try later on.

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