
What is proper baby shower etiquette after first child? Third pregnancy is twins.?

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hi- i have a question about baby shower etiquette- is it still inappropriate to have a shower for a third child/children even if the third pregnancy is twins?




  1. absolutly! Have fun!

  2. Why shouldn't you have a shower? It's fun get-together and a chance for some adult interaction, especially since this is her third pregnancy. Don't make as big of a deal out of it - make it less "showery" by just serving regualr food (not cutesy "baby boy" cookies, etc), watching a movie or chatting. Make a "diapers only" gift request. If this is the first birth of the opposite s*x, then go out of your way to decorate in pink or blue, or whatever, but still keep it low-key.

  3. In my family you can have a baby shower for every baby you have we just want to celebrate the new arrival and shower eachother with gifts. I say who cares if people come then they dont care.

  4. Really proper--no showers after 1st baby.

    Reality is that you have some wiggle room here, especially if you have moved to a new community, you or hubby have a different job, different church, etc. or in any way have a "new" circle of friends & acquaintances this time around.   The rationale here is that you are not obligated the same set of people to buy another set of gifts.

    The other reality here is that there is just naturally a different level of excitement (& obviously a different level of need!) with twins.  I would think that some sort of "stork party" that welcomes and celebrates this event AND also somehow includes the older sib(s) would be appropriate.

    Do you have a sister or SIL or other close relative (aunt, etc) who might want to take the lead in organizing this?  Offer to help with expenses, planning, and legwork behind the scenes so that they are not out too much, just don't make it look like you are throwing this for yourself.

  5. Not really, do whatever you're comfortable with.

  6. depends on the situation. How long ago were her other pregnancies. If she has nothing left from her other children Then I would give her another shower ( not to mention twind is twice of everything). She could also have a baby sprinkle which is diapers/wipes/clothes ( the small stuff).

  7. people get tired of it.  Let those who want to give the baby gifts after the births

  8. There is no etiquette becacue it is inappropriate.  It sounds like you already had two - that is one too many!

  9. It is fine to have a shower for babies after the first as long as someone else is throwing the shower and you aren't having it for yourself.

  10. Well there is nothing wrong with having a baby shower for a third child, it is still a new life and the parents be it you or someone else may appreciate the detail.

    They (parents) probably need the extra things people will give them as gifts, knowing that they are twins .  I dont see anything wrong go ahead with it.

  11. I think that any shower after a first child is inappropriate if those children are the same gender. but if the second child is a boy and you have a girl already or vice versa, then a shower is appropriate. Same goes for the third. If you have two girls at home and are having a boy, it's fine. but if they are the same gender, just use the old stuff that's in good condition. So what do you have at home now and what are you having? If they are the same, don't throw another shower. If the stuff at home is blue and you need pink, then get yourself some pink.

  12. No it's not inappropriate to have a party celebrating your pregnancy. But it shouldn't be thrown by any family members, gifts shouldn't be asked for, and the hideous games are out.

    But that's my opinion. This website apparently thinks slightly differently.

  13. I don't think so at all. Each shower is a seperate celebration of your new childs life. Go for it!

  14. nothing, just enjoy it.

  15. "proper" etiquette is to only have a shower for your first prego... but who cares? do it anyways, ettiquette is overrated!

  16. I don't think that it is inappropriate. I could see them needing further assistance especially for twins! However, if you already have items like cribs, strollers etc, then I would leave those off the list :) Congrats!


    My aunt had two children, and adopted a third - she never had a formal shower but people still bought her needed items like onesies, diapers, wipes, etc.

  17. Just to tell you how old fashioned some people might be. My MIL told me after the first child you don't have a shower unless the s*x is different. I asked my friend (all her sister have a few kids) and she said they all had showers for each baby. So it depends on you I guess- showers used to represent the new life now they represent how much stuff you can get.

    Personally if I found out I was pregnant again I would want a shower- I like parties

  18. I don't think that showers are inappropriate for subsequent children.  Parents ALWAYS need diapers and other things.  Especially with twins.

  19. I think any shower is inappropriate after the first, unless it is strictly a diapers and wipes shower with only close friends and family.

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