
What is public awareness about environmental science?

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What is public awareness about environmental science?




  1. In India there is very low awareness of environmental issues.

    Environmental issues are not discussed in public places or in children text books.But its imperative to discuss about environmental issues in public to increase awareness.Increased awareness & knowledge about environment will make people think about environment pollution & the problem.

  2. How the public is made aware to Environmental issues/ challenges. 'Pressure Groups' and NGOs i.e Green Peace, who do big (controversial) public events to get noticed. also think things like "An Inconvient Truth"- a Documentary presented by Al Gore. untill recently the public hasnt listened to anyone about the environment, but now its catching on, the public are more aware of the future issues and challenges we've created for ourselves, thanks to Al Gore and Arnie in California big respectable figures people look up to and listen too.

  3. If you're attempting to ask what it seems like people really know about environmental *science*. . . sometimes, it seems like very little.  Actual science scares a lot of people (chemistry and biology and physics, oh my!), so they just believe what people tell them it means.  Sometimes, it's right. . . sometimes, it isn't.

    My experience of late has been that our local journalists often know pretty much nothing when it comes to actual scientific matters.  The things that they will say on the news crack me up!

  4. people are quite aware about environmental science .

  5. what exactly do you want to ask...?

  6. That's about as vague a question as one could ask.

    Are you sure you don't have a seat in congress?

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