
What is quantum physics?

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What is quantum physics?




  1. Peace Ekumah

    Quantum Jumping is based on the idea that alternate universes exist. It means in each universe another version of you exist. Where you can be anything from a world class footballer to an award winning  writer , a princess, a celebrity, a Corporate board executive or a stay at home mom. This method was invented by an American monk called Burt Goldman who thought to himself , “If there are other versions of me out there, doing what I want to do, living the life I want to live, what would happen If I could contact them and learn what they know?, what if I use their knowledge and experience to learn to transform my own life?”. This was the starting point of quantum  jumping, a unique meditation and visualization technique created by Burt that allows anyone to tap into the power of their  mind to communicate with alternate versions of themselves.

  2. its a branch of phisics in which some assumptions are made and on that basis various theorys of physics are explained

  3. Quantum Physics is an Ontological study for Quatum World, with in the domain beyond the subatomic levels of an Atom,  in terms of all that particulated substantial entities, generally addressed as S'particles,  a process of microcosmic depths to determine a study and knowledge as to how...  "The Energy exists in a discreet units for their work-in-progress forming the In-forms of exquisite packets of working-units called An Vibrating Energy" ...being all an imponderable phenomena that we know by a scientific name of  Quantum Electrodynamics and/or Quantum Chromodynamics...

    One does gather to incultate a productive mean & imbibe a measure to understand the Science as to...  "How the Positrons are at work-in-progres being the genesis of the High Energy Photonic Discharge   -and/or-   the Photons at work-in-progress being the genesis of a electron-positron annihilation as Positronic Discharges"  ...all-in-all a cyclic principle that rules the axiomatic design behind the cosmicism [Theory of Cuase & Effect Continuum] which in a refined version of applied understanding is been extrapolated as "Cosmic Efficacy & Tithonicity" by Charanjeet Singh [an astral scientist : gnoisologist]

    Further, in compendium it can be said in common parlance yet in scientific terms, Quantum Physics is the Know' Process of the Sub-atomic World that are the hosts of a sempiternal process of actionary,  reactionary and inter-actionary activities been played as a cosmic phenomena of "Quantum Soup [attraction] & Chaos [excitations]" amongst the entities like Quarks : Gluons : Positrons : Photons : Electrons : etc... all being the progeny of  TITHONS.

  4. dring the exicited state energy is given out in the form of quatas or packets this is given by 'PLANK' in his plank quatam theory

  5. quantum physics is a basically divided electron into parts.

    1parts is wavelength different and another scratted rays of wavelength is same that is called it's.

  6. A branch of science that studies behavior of quantum, i.e. subatomic, particles.

  7. its the branch o physics tht deals wid matter acc to the maxwell planck theory acc to which matter is made of tiny weightless completely elastic packets of enery called quanta. this theory is used to explain the dual nature of light.

  8. I'll explain it to in simple plain language.

    Hopin that u knw Newtonian Physics(natural phy) and elecrtomagnetic waves I start my explanation.

    when Newtonian physics was applied to microscopic particles like electrons photons etc it couldnt explain their nature completely hence It was concluded that all particles in motion have both particle and wave like cahrectar.Eg If u are in a particle form and u want to say go from mumbai to pune , u either go  by road or train travel and then reach ur destination which is continous process. But, if u are wave u just zap from mumbai and appear in pune .i.e, u dont need a medium to travel.

    This is the basis of quantum physics!

  9. Heard anything about Bohr's atomic model or Rutherford model of atom? better do a google search

  10. In macro world mechanics dominate the forces and attractions between any two things.

    Where as in micro world like in an atom these mechanics are dominated by the special forces(attractions/repulsions) which are not prominent in macro world and the study about such forces in micro world is called quantum physics

  11. quantum physics ias a branch of physics that deals with process which include minuter energy changs. ie where the uncertainity principle holds

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