
What is "Faux" media?

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To anyone else who looks at this question, click on the link provided by herkk. It's an hour long video that just took my breath away (and not in a good way).




  1. Pretty much EVERY media outlet that tries to pass off their brand of news as the truth, unbiased and objective.

  2. Actually it's not even media, journalism or news. Literally! h**l it's not even yellow journalism. Simply it is extreme right wing propaganda. Facts are deliberately manipulated. Over hyped & Hysteric. Misinformation, deceit, dirty tricks etc.

    It's basically for people who want news tailored to their own narrow agenda, it's job is not to provide news but to manipulate the news so it fits a specific agenda. Put it this way '1 out of 10', if other news channels rate 2, 4, 5, 6 etc. Fox news is 11. Like I said by any definition it's literally NOT even news.
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