
What is "Gustav"? Why are so many people talking about it?

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I'm to lazy to read the news, could somebody explain what Gustav was and how it affected the Republicans?





  1. It was a category 2 hurricane that mostly by passed New Orleans.

    It was feared it would be a much larger storm and flatten the city.

    All the major republicans went to Louisiana so as to not to appear as out of touch as they were with Katrina

  2. Gustav was a hurricane that just hit southern America...

  3. it was a hurricane...maybe you should pay a little more attention to the news...

  4. Its a hurricane. It hit New Orleans, I believe. they had to evacuate the coast.  (they name them, the first hurricane starts with 'A' and the second with 'B', etc. Gustav starts with G meaning it is the 7th hurricane this year)

  5. Gustav is the name of the latest hurricane in the south . John Mccain was just trying to pander to the southern voters by shortening the convention . Thank the lord that no one got hurt in the hurricane .

  6. Gustav is basically a gust of wind that blew away all the people that's going to vote for Obama

  7. it's the name of the hurricane blowing through louisiana at the moment where the republican party was having some sort of convention or other  

  8. ??? gustav is the new hurricane that was supposed to hit new orleans but didnt thats all i no and if ur to lazy to read the news watch it on tv everyones talkin about it

  9. I think it was some guy that the Mayor of New Orleans (Nagin is his name) was dating for a few days there. His liberal debauchery made the Republicans look great.

    All the "hurricane" answerers are just pulling your leg. don't believe them.

  10. It's a new disease among liberal democrats that make them say stupid things like "There is a God."

  11. He's the candidate from the Blowhard party.    

  12. Gustav was a Russian spy who infiltrated the FBI and stole secrets relating to the republicans presidential campaign.

    He has since been nabbed and executed.Now there are tensions between the US and Russia with Russia threatening nuclear retaliation.Its quite serious really..maybe you should start reading the news!!

  13. A German terrorist who attacked the Louisiana coast

  14. Gustav was a disappointment for the Dem's because it did not fullfill their wish to watch Bush go down in flames one more time before he left office!  I'm enjoying their schadenfreude.

    Schadenfreud (nown) - satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune.  

  15. its the hurricane that hit new orleans...

  16. It was a large hurricane that was due to hit New Orleans almost exactly 3 years to the day that Katrina hit. It was expected to cause severe damage to the Gulf coast (it killed like 60 people in the Caribbean), but thankfully, it lost most of its power before it hit the coast.

    It, er, "affected" the Republicans because it totally dominated the news for the first couple of days of the GOP national convention. Basically, it stole their media thunder.

  17. gustav is another hurricane and it has hit new orleans just like hurricane katrina. it is a 4 and katrina was a category 5. here are some pictures. .

    hope this helped

  18. Hurricane near New Orleans.  It didn't turn out to be as powerful as everyone was afraid it might be, but it just made landfall yesterday, so everyone was watching to see how the levies would hold.  They did fine.  The RNC was abbreviated yesterday so as not to appear that Reps seemed heartless about the effects of the hurricane.

  19. LOL.  It's a hurrican. RUNNNNNN it might be coming whr u r

  20. its a hurricane

  21. It is a Hurricane(though now only a tropical depression) that went through the Gulf states. It affected the Republicans in the sense that the Lousiana state delegetes would find it inappropiate to hold a convention while a hurricane is whirling through their state in places like New Orleans. Plus, the GOP wanted to seem caring so they downgraded their convention. It will start today without any issues. Unless Hurricane Hanna picks up speed....

  22. LOL it is a hurricane, they all get named.

    The only reason this one made the news in relation to politics was cause New Orleans isnt fixed yet (and all the right-to-lifers seem to be contradicting themselves saying anybody there deserves not to have a right to live)

    So, everyone was watching to see if the folks still in power would do a better job if this one hit like Katrina 3 years ago.

  23. Wait til your mommy finishes feeding you your din din, and changes your diaper. Then daddy will tell you, OK Sweetie?

  24. Gustav is a hurricane that was hitting Louisiana and the republicans were wondering if they should still have there convention when Gustav was hitting that place. They had a bunch of hotel rooms and stuff already for the convention so they are having it, but Bush isn't going to the convention so he can help out with the hurricane.

  25. Gustav is a hurricane that was supposed to hit New Orleans as a level 3 or 4, but ended up being less forceful.  

    Gustav was also a vehicle for the Republicans to try to demonstrate how "sensitive" they are to New Orleans, after they completely screwed up the destruction of a major part of our country with Katrina.  So Republicans closed their convention for the first day to show their "sensitivity" to hurricane victims, and to try to turn around their abysmal P.R. from Katrina.  

    Anyone who bought into this P.R. attempt, isn't the sharpest.

  26. Its the hurricane that hit Louisiana.

  27. a hurricane that many thought would be the next Katrina. Except it wasn't

  28. Gustav is a hurricane by southern usa and people are talking about it because Katrina hit the same area 2 years ago

  29. Gustav is a huge hurricane that hit New Orleans this week it was supposed to be strong enough to break the levees again and destroy new orleans.

  30. It is the name of a hurricane that was projected to hit New Orleans last Sunday, thankfully it weakened

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