
What is "Library Science" called in college?

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I am interested in being a librarian, but in looking through the information from universities, there is no "librarian" degree program. Is it a "media specialist"?




  1. It's called library science (MLS) and it's a masters program.  You can get a bachelors degree in anything - history, English, art, even science - and then go to library school.

  2. Undergraduate degrees in library science have all but disappeared -- I'm not aware of any, but there may be some left.  

    "Media specialist" could be a program for school librarians, but be careful.  Each state has its own requirements for school librarians; in some states you just have to complete a certification program, in others you must have a master's degree.  An undergraduate program for school librarians probably caters to requirements for the state. Before signing up for the media specialist program, talk to a counsellor at the university and be sure the program meets your expectations.

    But for professional librarianship the entry-level degree is a master's degree and it goes by various names.  The most common are:

    MLS "Master of Library Science"

    MLIS "Master of Library and Information Science [or Studies]"

    MIS "Master of Information Science"

    My advice is to think about what kind of librarian you want to be.  Think about your other interests, and get your undergraduate degree in a field that appeals to you.  This won't hurt your chances of becoming a librarian -- you can market yourself as a subject specialist.  If you can't make up your mind, then get a good broad-based liberal education. Talk to your college counselor about "General Studies" or "Liberal Studies."  

    Also, try to do work-study in the campus library or get a part-time job in a local library if your schedule allows.  Talk to the librarians about their work, and think about what area appeals to you most.

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