
What is "Remote Viewing"?

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Is it possible?




  1. It's the power to see where an object or person is through telepathy with just a few minor clues to what or who it is one is searching for.I do believe it is possible.Everyone has Psychic abilities they just need to learn to tap into those abilities.

  2. It's a practice for seeing into the future and past. I've seen published information that has convinced me it works. The dive in the stock market in September 2001 was predicted along with several other verifiable facts. I bought this book a few years before these events.

    It appears that everything will happen and has already happened. I'm now a believer.

  3. First I have provided some links below that will allow you  complete explanations (thanks to Dennie for posting the Wiki link).

    It is basically acquiring visual (usually) information from a location where you are not physically (remote from) present at the time.

    Second, to correct the misinformation previously posted science does not offer proof of anything it provides supporting evidence for or fails to provide supporting evidence for a hypothesis.

    Yes, there is supporting evidence for Remote Viewing:

    "Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud."

    (link below)


  4. remote viewing can be thought of as sort of an out of body experience. and there is no reason or proof that would conclude to it being possible.

  5. Remote viewing is a form of communication.

    One person is in a sequestered, or closed space, another person that they "communicate with" will be given a set of directions or photograph that they are supposed to "see" and try to transmit the image to the person who is doing the "viewing".

    All without the use of words, telephone, etc., only by mental "telepathy" if you will.

    Does it work?

    There are some who say yes, and some who say no.

    The Amazing Randi has a rather large cash prize up to anyone who can prove, under scientific scrutiny, that it does work. (it is good for other "psychic" things as well, not jsut the remote viewing.


  6. It's when you can "see" something that is somewhere else.  The CIA tried to make it work.  It didn't.

  7. That's when I misplace the remote and then try to visualize "Oh where, o where can it be?"

  8. Might as well get the correct definition of it. Wiki loves to show off!! I'm sending you a link..but you can google and find out lots more about it. Glad you came back  and asked some paranormal questions.Go to Discover Resolved Questions and you'll learn a lot of things you never thought of or knew existed. Hang out with us awhile...

  9. It was a training that was tried in the military with susceptible minds.  They wanted the remote subjects to be able to expand their minds so that they could see what was happening thousands of miles away.

    There are a lot of stories about successes and failures.  I think they probably used substances like LSD or peyote as mind expanding drugs.  Some say it was successful.  Novelists have made good money on their various novels about it.

    There is no proof that it works.  

    However, OBE (out of body experiences) can occur naturally. You are free of your body, except by a silver thread, and as you travel you see what is below you or you may interact, but only a shadow since you do not have a body.  This has been proven.

    So, if the test subjects for Remote Viewing were able to have OBE, then it might have been successful.

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