
What is "advocacy" in your opinion?

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What is "advocacy" in your opinion?




  1. a person is on your side , helping you being an advisor or someone who has insight that is helping you someone u can trust and talk to of couse depending on what is the situation

  2. Where u take on board something - like a topic, and 'speak out' against's actually a big (kinda) thing in anthropology. Where the anthropologist becomes advocate. It used to confuse me..because I think legal advocate...

  3. It's literaly "The in between" or " Go -  Between "

    that is how i have always seen it to be.

  4. Advocacy is ensuring that the needs, wants and rights of a person is respected and up held, by acting or pleading for a cause, need or in favour of something that needs to be changed e.g workplace policies.

    An advocate is someone who will speak on the behalf of person, who is unable to ask, plead or demand their rights, wants or needs for themselves.

  5. Supporting

  6. In a social care setting, advocacy work would be helping the service user deal with practical things which would involve other agencies, for example an advocacy worker would go with the person to social services and help them claim the right benefits and whatnot.

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