
What is "an investment vehicle" please?

by Guest60078  |  earlier

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What is "an investment vehicle" please?




  1. It is a term used to describe a way to invest money.

  2. That's one of those terms that mean something to some but are not very transparent.  It is simply a place to put your money in the hopes that you will receive the investment and a good return back at a later date.  A bank Certificate of Deposit is one, any given mutual fund would be another.

  3. Suppose I wanted to buy stocks, but wanted to diversify in solid companies, yet without all the sifting and wading through company statistics, annual reports, etc. One thing I could do would be sink it (or some appropriate share of my financial resources) into an exchange traded fund like DIA or SPY. DIAmonds is a trust that holds batches of stock from each of the 30 companies that comprise the Dow Jones Industrial index. SPY, commonly called Spyders, is a similar trust that you buy or sell as a common stock in a trust that holds shares in the 500 companies of the Standard & Poors 500 index. These ETFs are investment vehicles to get me to my objectives. I might instead prefer to stash money in corporate debt, retrieving the interest and perhaps (if I bought the bonds and notes at a sufficient discount) principle. Corporate bonds, then, become an investment vehicle, one that gets me to where I'm wanting to go.

    Where, and how, are you wanting to get to your financial targets? The means that helps you on that path is a "vehicle".

  4. Simple question, simple answer:  Any type of investment (ie bonds, stocks, mutual funds, etc...)

  5. It's the type of transport you use to get yourself to the stock exchange

    N.B. Sorry couldn't resist.

    As everybody who answered your question said, it is the type of investments that are available to you whether it be a bond, company shares, options, futures, commodities, fx, CFDs and the list could go on for sometime. There is a lot of jargon in the investment world, this is a good example of one of them.

  6. anything you invest your money in for gain.

  7. An investment vehicle is something that makes a certain type of investment possible where normally it wouldn't be. Say you wanted to buy shares, but didn't have enough money. You may be able to put in a monthly payment to an investment vehicle that buys the shares for you against your monthly payment.

  8. An investment vehicle is any asset that one would buy with the hope of increasing their net worth.

    So, you buy an asset, either for cash or credit, and you hope that the asset will increase in value over a period of time.

  9. This is just a general term which means any method by which to invest. This might mean shares, fixed interest, unit trusts and so on. There’s not much more to say about it really.


    The answers above are for guidance only and should not be acted upon without you receiving independent financial advice relevant to your circumstances.  To find and IFA please call 0800 085 3250 or go to

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