
What is "bargaining unit work"?

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I was reading new union contract for UPS and I stumbled upon a term that seems ambiguous...heres what it reads.

Accordingly, the Employer agrees that supevisors or other employees of the Employer who are not member of the bargaining unit shall not perform any bargaining unit work.....

What does bargaining unit work mean?




  1. A bargaining unit is generally a group of employees covered under one contract, such as Local 101.  if Every member of Local 101 is bound by one contract, every member of Local 101 is a "Bargaining Unit".

    Bargaining unit work is a function that only a member of the Bargaining unit is allowed to do under the contract.

    For example.  A manager  is not allowed to do the work of a truck driver. This would violate the terms of the contract.  

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