
What is "closed forests" ? What's important to know about them?

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What is "closed forests" ? What's important to know about them?




  1. Cloud forest is a class of tropical tropical that is usually up in the mountains and always misty or cloudy.  They are very moist year round--so moist that they support abundant epiphytes (plants that grow on other plants).  These plants have aerial roots that can suck moisture out of they air.  Cloud forests also harbor rich biodiversity.  The forests have a very small range, both geographically and climatically, so they very vulnerable to slight changes in temperature and climate caused by global warming.

  2. closed forest: 81-100 per cent crown cover (more than 70 per cent projective foliage cover).

    The extent of World’s Remaining Closed Forests (WRCF) in 1995 is estimated at approximately 2.87 billion hectares, which occupies about 21.4% of land area of the world.

    Fifty-four countries have over 30% of their land area under

    closed forests.

    About 80.6% of the WRCF are concentrated in fifteen countries. Ranked in the highest to lowest order are - Russia, Canada, Brazil, the United States, Democratic Republic of the Congo, China, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, India, Australia and Papua New Guinea.

    Three countries - Russia, Canada and Brazil – contain about 49% of the WRCF.

    Only about 9.4% of the WRCF have been accorded some sort of a formal protection status.

    An estimated 83.6% of the WRCF have low population density, 11.3% medium population density and the remaining 5.1% high population density in and around closed forests.

    In the top 15 countries, an estimated 88% of the WRCF have low population density, 9% medium population density and 3% high population density in and around closed forests.

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