
What is "conscience"?

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How would you define conscience? Does everyone have a conscience and if so, is it the same for everyone?




  1. Conscience is the meaning from the word of con and the word of science. So what is Con and Science? imao.

    Cheat to cover the truth and fact. therefore we have a clear or good conscience vs bad and evil conscience.

  2. Imagining the bad feeling you give others with the action you did

    Therefore you want to set it right... conscience...

  3. It's that still voice that makes us fell still smaller..

    Most of us do. There are exceptions Pedophiles, murderers, rapists and politicians

  4. knowing right from wrong. And acting on it. Everyone is different. Someone may break the law and not think it is wrong. while others would think he was crazy they would ask him "don't you have a conscience"?

  5. This should not take me long to say that conscience is a person's inner guide, that however boring, is always right, the friend who used to be my teacher, and before that, also my parent. Could conscience also be the voice from God?

    Now imagine your mind to be place of many voices, shouts, yells, taunts, and whispers, among many voices some friendly, some kindly, some caring, some sober and graceful, and some of your ambitions, desires, desperate needs and wants, shrill and loud, and some more of your fears, apprehensions, worries and cares. All voices add u to you thoughts and in the end become your thoughts, all the voices that are there matter to you, but among all other voices there is another voice, persistent, soft relenting but also firm and definite, the voice you often find most boring of all, the one that does not excite, inspire you entice you or invites to do something quite adventurous … that voice is the voice of or conscious. It is absent when all is all right but turn up always right at the time when you are going to have lots of fun, for instance. To offer you its earnest and most sincere advice, to admonish you and read to you boring and lack lustre precept of wisdom and general know how about life.

    I think we model our conscience upon the personalities of our parents and teachers in the beginning, that then we further develop, when we know about the wider world around, when we learn through our observation and experience. An adult is supposed to be fully-fledged conscientious person to lead through life successfully observing codes of conduct and norms of normal behaviour, however!

    I think conscious is same for all people, as we have an innate sense of right and wrong, justice and fairness. It is just that our mind is so often so randomly exposed to all sorts of influences: impression, suggestion, and messages that we often lose the inner clarity of our mind. It is quite possible to find different people at different levels of awareness, as people who fail to notice things, then there are people who despite being fully aware, would get carried away doing silly or expensive things. For both types of people however the friendly inner voice, foreboding or approving, is always there. If you try to do something wrong today then you could meet your earnest friend the earliest.

  6. Welcome back! sheessshhhhhhhhh. silent! Gotcha! hahaha....

  7. A monkey once said to me,

    'Dave,dave do you really want my brain,

    i said 'yes',so i became the monkey !.

    Conscience is relative.

  8. Simply put: Conscience is the little voice in our head that tries to help us make sound decisions in our daily lives.

    It is there so that we question our actions, thoughts, and emotions.

    All of us have it, but not all of us use it at the right time to stop them from making bad decisions they will later regret..

    Always listen to your conscience even if only for a second.  It'll save a lot of drama down the line.

  9. its the intuition of right and wrong something ur taught, or picked up from experience. so itd be different for everyone id assume, but in the end right is right and wrong is wrong.

  10. it all depends on our up-bringing and way of life.  Your conscience is based on your morals and what you think is morally right of wrong.

  11. If you don't know, you haven't got one. Go out into the world, do your best or even your worst. You are going to be the last to know if you were right or wrong.

  12. IT's that little voice inside your heart or head and even your body at times. it guide you individually as a person, it's what makes us who we are.

    It can be our shining light, our crutch, our curse. our Savior. Without it I would not be me, I am what I am because I have a conscience,  

    And if I didn't have to live within this caous pasted down to me, I would not be living in conflict with my own conscience.

  13. I would say 'the knowlege within', that knowlege that is with you, that does not come, and overules that knowledge that comes from, without. The very word is formed from 'con', with, and 'science', knowledge.

  14. conscience is an action, example```` if you commit a crime you must face the conscience.

  15. I think I would define conscience as "an awareness of the effect of one's actions and an empathy for those affected by them".

    I am sure that everyone has a conscience but I don't believe that they are the same for everyone. As an example, in the case of a violent crime, one person's conscience would make them report somebody to the police (empathising with the victim) whereas another's would prevent them from doing so (empathising with the criminal).

    Good question, have a star.

  16. Conscience is a hypothesised ability or faculty that distinguishes whether our actions are right or wrong. It leads to feelings of remorse when we do things that go against our moral values, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when our actions conform to our moral values. It is also the attitude which informs our moral judgment before performing any action. The extent to which such moral judgements are based in reason has been a matter of controversy almost throughout the history of Western philosophy.

  17. Through conscience and its related notion, synderesis, human beings discern what is right and wrong.... While there are many medieval views about the nature of conscience, most views regard human beings as capable of knowing in general what ought to be done and applying this knowledge through conscience to particular decisions about action.... The ability to act on the determinations of conscience is, moreover, tied to the development of the moral virtues, which in turn refines the functions of conscience.

  18. It is figuritive

  19. Rubbish! I can show u what is a good conscience and a bad conscience oredi? I can pin point for u who is the one answered your Q has a good conscience and a bad conscience? right away if u wanna me to do so. haha....

    Dogs usually have a bad conscience. WOOF WOOF WOOF x 3  = 9 wooffffff....

  20. It's different for everyone as each person has their own set of values, from those values they will know if they have done right or wrong. Or done so in the past. Either a person knows immediately or in hindsight if they feel bad about something they've either said, done or caused.

    Many people feel shame, many don't. Some will have a conscience about things they haven't caused and have no power over. Others will have no conscience at all about anything. I've known people who were called the pillar of society who did awful things and had no conscience, so it has nothing to do with their upbringing. They have or they haven't got a conscience. It's something immeasurable. How can you measure the conscience.

    I recall when I first realised this about a friend. From the things she said and did I was appalled, yet it seemed she thought everyone thought as she did. Yet this woman was brought up in a loving family and within the church.

  21. "conscience" is a state from which all came to be...

    - we are all parts of the supreme conscience a.k.a. the universe.

    we were all born with one of those "necklaces", some of us just choose to take them off!


  22. Conscience is a hypothesised ability or faculty that distinguishes whether our actions are right or wrong. It leads to feelings of remorse when we do things that go against our moral values, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when our actions conform to our moral values. It is also the attitude which informs our moral judgment before performing any action. The extent to which such moral judgements are based in reason has been a matter of controversy almost throughout the history of Western philosophy.



    1. the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action: to follow the dictates of conscience.  

    2. the complex of ethical and moral principles that controls or inhibits the actions or thoughts of an individual.  

    3. an inhibiting sense of what is prudent: I'd eat another piece of pie but my conscience would bother me.  

    4. conscientiousness.  

    5. Obsolete. consciousness; self-knowledge.  

    6. Obsolete. strict and reverential observance.  

    —Idioms7. have something on one's conscience, to feel guilty about something, as an act that one considers wrong: She behaves as if she had something on her conscience.  

    8. in all conscience, a. in all reason and fairness.  

    b. certainly; assuredly.  

    Also, in conscience.


    Yes, Everyone is having conscience

    But it differs from person to person!

  23. hmm to me conscience is the ability to reflect on actions taken and actions yet to be taken. heidegger spoke of 'dasein' in reference to the human. dasein is always projecting into the future thus if I foster a relationship I am hoping to have childen with this person etc ...
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