I've decided to take my first step in flowering - so I bought already potted pink and white supertunias. The care sounded easy - full to part sun and normal water. If I can keep this plant alive, I may try to actually plant next year. However, after about a week and a half my poor plant has more dead stems and pathetic blooms than nice full blooms. I water every night - until the soil feels very nice and moist and it's on my front porch where it gets full sun probably around the noon hours - and then it's in the shade for the rest of the day. I keep reading about "deadheading" but I'm not sure what that is exactly or how to do it. For instance, I noticed on some of my stems where it's nice and green and then all of a sudden it's brown. Do I just rip off the brown part of the stem? Or do I just pull the dead flowers off the brown stem?? Do I need to put it out in the sun more??? Any help would be appreciated because I really want to keep this plant alive!! Thanks!