
What is "fetish" in the sexual and asthetical sense?

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does this one belong to erotic fetish?;_ylt=AkZtGkG5F_YtixaveST3aQsjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080718060302AAEAKOW




  1. Fetish in the sexual sense is like having a rape fantasy

    Fetish in the aesthetical sense is like admiring a woman's feet & therefore having a foot fetish

    I don't quite understand your question but I hope this helped.

  2. A fetish in the sexual sense can be a person, place or thing. For example, there are some people who seeing a woman in high heels, or spanking or be dominated by a person, or latex or rubber are all things that can arouse a person sexually.

    A fetish in the aesthetic sense would be anything that is not pleasing to the eye (essentially beauty) by society's norms. For example, people who tattoo their whole body including their face, multiple piercings or body modification such as branding would all be considered aesthetic fetishes because people would look upon them with a certain amount of disdain and in some cases horror with the thought of how or why would someone do that to themselves. It should also be noted that what we here in America would consider to an aesthetic fetish might not be seen as a fetish elsewhere but instead a sign of great respect and beauty.

  3. A fetish is the sexual attraction to materials, acts or objects not conventionally viewed as being sexual in nature.

  4. Technically, a sexual fetish is an object or a material which must be present for o****m to be achieved.   Examples would be items of clothing; materials such as satin, rubber or fur; or personal objects such as figurines, pictures and photos, or items of adornment.

    Aesthetic fetishism is an unreasoned but very strong liking for an object or a material which can attract the fetishist's attention at any time, over and above all else that is happening around him or her.  It need not have a sexual connotation but would be part of an excessive attention syndrome, such that it cannot be avoided or ignored.  Examples are as varied as people and have included pictures of a particular film star; any Mr Punch doll; a particular piece of leather; any corset shop window; any high heeled shoe or boot; a white horse; a particular arrangement of paving tiles.  The list is endless.

  5. Originally a fetish was projecting almost a religious reverence to an object like prayer beads or a godess statue. Today it's more like getting sexual turn ons through objects, clothing etc.

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