
What is "gaia"??????????

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What is "gaia"??????????




  1. As other people have already said, it means "mother Earth" or simply  "Earth".

    In this way the name "Gaia" can be used as an alternative to saying "Earth" when talking about our planet.

    Some people use "Gaia" in a way that means more than simply our planet earth. They say it to mean the planet AND the living Biosphere (all the living things) of the planet, that is to treat the whole planet as one living entity.  This is to empathise the way all living things are interconnected and depend upon each other, much as your body is composed of different specialised cells and organs which must all function together to keep you alive and healthy.

    In the game "Alpha Centauri" by Sid Meier (famous for the "Civilisation" games) there is a playable faction called the Gaians.

  2. If u r talking about yugioh its an idiotic card .

    But i dont think u r talking about him.Gaia comes from the greek word gea or gi that means earth.

  3. it means 'the mother of earth'

    hope that helps

  4. Mother Earth in the greek mythology..

  5. i means earth in greek i believe

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