
What is "lazy eye"?

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and how do I correct it???




  1. "Lazy eye" is formally known as amblyopia.

    For any of variety of reasons one eye fails to develop fully since the brain, unable to process images from both eyes harmoniously, concentrates on one and neglects the other.

    This can happen if the two eyes misalign, or there is such a refractive difference between them that the images from each cannot be fused into a single one.

    ***Although many eyes with squint, (turn, strabismus) do have amblyopia, they are totally separate conditions.  It is possible to have a squint without a lazy eye, and a lazy eye without a squint.***

    Treatment is best done at as young an age as possible, and used to be thought only effective up to the age od 12, or 8 by some authorities.  Modern research suggests that *some* benefit can be obtained at almost any age, though restoration of vision to the standard of the good eye is not assured.

    Since there appears to be no risk except the committment of time and money, anyone sufficiently motivated should make the attempt.

    The basic method involves forcing the brain to be more aware of the lazy eye by patching the good one, together with an Rx for the lazy eye if required.  In older children and adults, this is much more effective when combined with eye training exercises: nothing exotic, but making the eye and brain concentrate on detail.

    This is intially aimed at simply improving the vision in the poorer eye.  Getting the two eyes to work as a team is a separate and further step.  It may come naturally, require special training exercises or, if a squint is present, require prism spectacles or surgery.  Whether any of these should be pursued is very much down to the individual case.

    Professional assessment and advice is essential.  Just wearing a black patch on your good eye is no answer.

  2. it just always points in a different direction than your other eye.

    my friend had that problem when he was little..he had surgery.

  3. You can stand in the middle of the week and look both ways for Sunday.  You can cover the lazy eye,  if you care.

  4. Lazy eye is when one eye just points in one direction.  I don't know if it can be corrected.  Maybe if you smack the person on the head hard enough.

  5. I thought lazy eye was the result of misalignment, not the misaligned eyes themselves. What happens is that the brain shuts down or ignores the signals from one eye and that becomes the lazy eye.

  6. What is amblyopia?(Lazy Eye)

    Amblyopia is reduced vision in an eye that has not received adequate use during early childhood.

    What causes amblyopia?

    Amblyopia, also known as "lazy eye," has many causes. Most often it results from either a misalignment of a child's eyes, such as crossed eyes, or a difference in image quality between the two eyes (one eye focusing better than the other.)

    In both cases, one eye becomes stronger, suppressing the image of the other eye. If this condition persists, the weaker eye may becomes useless

  7. I have a lazy eye.

    When i look in the mirror the two eyes dont align. The lazy one is slightly higher. My mom also has a lazy eye.

    That eye is also near sighted. With both eyes open its fine, if i close the normal eye things at a distance, or small text is blured.
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