
What is "normal"?

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Why do people stress over what is normal? Everyone should accept themselves as being what they are. It is the unique qualities in us all that make living meaningful. Why would anyone want to be "normal". What is it that makes people think that their version of normal is better than anyone else's?




  1. Normal is a useless word that defines us as a type, basically. Everyone has their own thoughts, opinions, styles, and whatever makes them original. Being normal isnt original, because its being NORMAL. If we are all normal, we are all the same? Normal is what starts off prejudic and stereotyping.  Its stupid.

  2. normality is a superficial (and meaningless) concept which is enforced upon us by the media, usually in the direction that media decides. If they want to promote a blonde on a maganzine to appear normal, that would be everyone's standard. If not, they do something else. My point is, the media decides what "normal" - standards and values - should be for people who rely on the media. Those who don't, obviosly think for themselvs and define their own standards even if it contradicts what TV and magazines suggest normal is. Those are the people usually in conflict with those who are slaves for TV and magazines.

  3. well i guess some people want to fit in so being "normal" is what they consider!

  4. I don't know, maybe it's just another way of fitting into a certain group. The more normal you are the more groups you fit into.

  5. Normal is meaningless but the concept that peopel carry around withthem their personal yardstick for normality is very real when they act upon it. We want to be normal so we dont get beaten up for our sexuality or our mental health difference.

    society exacts swift retribution for abnormality - equality laws do not apply to other ways of punishing difference.

    yes of course youre right I believe implicitly in my right to be however I come but I don't feel safe enough to talk back to my voices in the street . a friend of mine says that

    "Its a good job people don't realize how much it hurts when they make comments about our 'weirdness' or they would do it all the more."
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