
What is "vault" in anti virus?

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What is "vault" in anti virus?




  1. Anti Virus Vault for quarantine all virus which can't be deleted or spyware or maybe spam which sometimes referred to your OS components, so you asked to delete it manually from virus vault.  

  2. thats like the place where the harmful stuff that has been detected, is quarantined, or like, separated, placed in a cage, where it cant do any harm

  3. Your antivirus program, when installed, creates a secure area for viruses and infections, often called a "Vault". Anything that is sent to there has been identified as a threat, and is isolated from the rest of your software, so it can't cause problems. Why isn't the virus just deleted? Some viruses can't be deleted immediately, because some virus writers go to great lengths to make their nasty work difficult to delete, by altering the Windows settings, and sending their file to sensitive areas, such as the boot information that your computer needs to start up. When they go to the vault, they can often be deleted on a restart, or failing that, left in the vault until the antivirus people figure out how to delete it safely.

  4. It is the place where suspected malicious code are kept.


  5. it save the virus and dont allow it to spread if you dont want to delete the virus

  6. simple !

    vault is like a room for unexpected guest(virus)

    they are kept here so that these viruses will never bug you again

  7. The 'Vault', when a virus is detected, holds the virus until you decide what action to take against it.

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