
What is "your Liability" mean on health insurance?

by Guest45062  |  earlier

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I got an exlanation of benifits in the mail and it says its not a bill, so in the list of charges at the bottom it says YOUR LIABILITY 954.39 So if this is what I owe, then why is it not a bill? will I be getting a bill for this later? Not sure what this is, I hate insurance letters they are so confusing!!! Please help if you know what i am talking about.




  1. That's how much you are responsible to pay.

    The bills come directly from the people who provided the services to you.  The EOB is only warning you, about how much they're going to expect.

  2. EOB (explanation of benefits) is what you get from the Insurance company. You do not need to react to that. When you get the bill from you provider, compare it to the EOB. The "liability" portion on the EOB should match your bill on the providers bill. If the provider charging you more, call them and discuss. The "liability" part on the EOB just gives you the heads up what your provider bill should be. Hope this helps. :-)

  3. The Explanation of Benefits, comes from the insurance company. It's for your information, telling you how much they paid the provider, and the balance you owe.

    You don't have to pay anything until you get a bill from your provider. You should be receiving that in a few days.

    Compare the two, and if there are any differences, call the provider and ask why there is a difference.

  4. The insurance company is showing you what your responsibility is on your EOB (explanation of benefits).  SO, if you get a bill from the provider that's any different than $954.39 then something isn't correct.  You ALWAYS want to match that statement with your bill.  Your liability is what the bill from the doctor should be.

  5. That is the amount you owe. It's not a bill. You'll get a bill from your doctor/hospital later for that amount.

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