If you think of it, most things are in your head. I'm not talking about the store down the street or your car. I am talking about what we perceive as reality. If you get embarrassed and turn red, that is all in your head, you are the only one that can cause embarrassment, it is social conditioning. What defines you being happy, sad, depressed, excited? It all in your head if you are any of those emotions. And now to the big one, love. Think of it, you feel an intense attraction to someone and may even want to marry them. It has been shown that this is just chemicals being released into your brain. A sort of drug. This explains why people in long term relationships and marriages get bored with it. The "drugs" wear off and there is no more excitement. So, we want to go to another person and experience it all over again. Also social programming is all in our head. Saying we should wear this and not something is because it looks dorky or whatever. Most of our reality and what we perceive as real is really just in our head.