
What is real happiness ? did u felt it ? plz tell me.?

by  |  earlier

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thanx and have a gr8 day.




  1. reel happenies is when all your problems are gone and the only thing you have to worry about is were the tv remote is

  2. It is a sense of joy. It is complete acceptance of ones situation without any obstacles. Its like floating down a river in a tube, cool breeze, shade trees along the bank, and the sound of the water flowing over the rocks.

    happiness is going with the flow.

  3. It is here in the world, in the world, in happiness. In all of the wonders in the world. The happiness, if in it you want, you live. Instants, chords, bottles. All is wonderful.

  4. a feeling of eternal peace , happiness, and love

  5. Happiness in when I come home and my dog does circle around me because he is so delighted I am back with him.

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