
What is real!?

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how do we know what is real in our world? there a loads of theorys of whats real in our world, and if you just stop and think about them many could be true. like their could be a second world or our would is ruled by another world... how do we know they are not true?!

any other views on this would be great!! thanks :D




  1. everything is real if you think they are real.

  2. The only things that are real are vaginas and p***s's

  3. how much thinking to make the theories real? The world will never know and will be sucking a tootsie roll pop!!!

  4. what is real is the depth of every single involved persons faith. beliefs are far and above the single most involvement for almost all of the world. Almost all of those beliefs base their existence on faith hops and love. The doing of what is right fair and proper. The education forbidding doing wrong, evil and inhuman acts towards animals and humanity. Religion offers up the equivalent of what 31 flavors does to Ice Cream. Take your pick, give the power of your own education to decide what is best for you, at this time in your life. Learn what each has to offer and like shopping for a car write down and compare the features and benefits each can give to you. What we know about what doctrines of written words contained in all the books in all the hidden sanctuary's of time and space is this. they are books written by men and women. they are said to be the written word but I write and I know for certain what I write is written words but nowhere in this or any other life time will they ever be referred to "the" written words.

  5. Fronts, like in the ego, your personality and so on. THre is mostly a best representation

  6. the matrix

  7. The actual cost of dismantling the World Trade Center will never be known, unless another set is built and again attacked by the New World Order agents, and receipts are found in the rubble.

    Just because you think you are real doesn't make it so. Many Americans actually believe that gas prices are high now. This is absurd, in light of the events to come next year, when gasoline is unobtainable at all by the average person.


  8. it doesn't matter if the world isn't real. it only matters if its real to us.

  9. In the book, The Last Battle, by c.s lewis, he described that the world that we live in is but a shadow of heaven. Nothing in this world is real. They are shadows of the things that are real in heaven. This is from my point of view and im a christian, so my points of view are affected by my religion

  10. "Underlying truth is one without second". Ancient seers declared in "Vedas" ( oriental philosophy ). Discrimination and detachment enabled the ancient seers to get the thread connected to reality. They had constructed the road to reality, for those seekers of the truth ever come to this mortals realm to walk across in order to reach the goal of immortality..

  11. Objectivity exists even though any of us subjectively (through mind) or objectively (through body) ceased.

    In the material world, all physical things are real and can be examined by our five senses and /or our equipments are real.  This term real means exists objectively.

    Do not mix up your subjective "understanding" of this real world "as" the "objective" real world.

  12. actually wat is real is connected to our senses.if we touch its real see its real hear its real .but its really a state of mind even though we see hear or even touch if we dont want to think its real then  its not there .like ghostss we dont want to believe there is ghost then its not there.even though we see a lot of ghost movies or hear stories etc

  13. Reality is of two types : 1- Physical and  2- Spiritual.

    Physical reality usually not argued because it is usually scientifically approved or disapproved. Spiritual reality is the one usually argued for or against. If Ur questions was about whether our world is being ruled by another world or not . Then spell out that way. If not then I'm confused!!:)

  14. there is more then one word and the is earth mares and more

  15. reality is different for different people. It's like beauty, it's in the eye of the beholder.  What is real to you, may not be real to me, etc.  Just don't believe that everything you see is real, that's all i can say. peace.

  16. In my opinion, it's more of our views, our way of thinking and how we perceive "real." Being bound to laws of nature, some unexplainable (so far), we are more forced to believe things to be real as long as it stimulates  areas of the brain that identify things that are real and meets our human criteria of reality.

    I have some samples:

    If someone told you a lie, that you know is a lie, it is a lie?

    If someone told you a lie, that you know is the truth, it is truth?

    if someone told you the truth, that you know is a lie, it is a lie?

    if someone told you the truth, that you know is the truth, it is truth?

    some things to ponder on ...

  17. I don't think that it's posisble to tell what's real, as everything we experiance comes through our senses, and is interperated by our brains as something we understand.

    So there may be a fourth dimention, but our brains can't comprehend it, so we don't see it.

  18. i know! isn't it crazy?! how they expect us to know....

    you just gotta believe what you believe :)

  19. wow you're right. You just need to stop and think about all the things that can't be true! or can be! We just can't believe everything we hear.

  20. The truth is, this world is what WE make it.  It is all about what we chose to BELIEVE IN!  I believe in God so I view the world in the perspective of a Christian.  Adn that is just one of many mnay point of voews.  I also view the world as limitless possibilities, but I am bounded by the laws of the land in which I live...which I might say are laws that I would try to follow anyway, by trying to be fair to others as I try to be fair to myself.  just be you and live in YOUR world accoding to the golden rule.....Do unto others as you would have them do unto YOU!!!  (Thats what I do!)

    Very good question, though!

  21. Perception is what you make of it.

    If there is no evidence for it, it doesn't exist.  Everything theorized has to have evidence for existence.  All else is imagination.

    Use Occam's Razor and the Baloney Detection Kit.  I cannot promise you enlightenment, just clarity from the BS.

  22. "When you try to understand everything, you will not understand anything. The best way is to understand yourself, and then you will understand anything" - Shunru Suzuki

  23. Well I dont know if this is what you mean, but I am always thinking that our world is just another little planet, that we are the size of an ant compared to the other world. I am convinced there is life on other planets, we just dont have the technology to get there cuz its so far :)

  24. We don't know what is real and what isn't real that's why life is so hard. Each human on this planet has their own idea of what is right wrong real or fake and that makes it hard for people to get along or see eye to eye. Sometimes you just have to make your own cult, niche, or group where you can be surrounded by like minded people. All in all I think it is completely possible that there are other versions of Earth. Hopefully there is an Earth where women and dark skinned people get respected and appreciated unlike this world.

  25. God is real, and from there you'll be able to know what else is real or not. Start with Him though.

  26. Well for starters God(s) isnt real...Yep its true an invisible thing that no one has ever seen or heard or even got evidance for doesnt exist...crazy to belive isnt it? Lol seriousley how is it hard to know what is real and what isnt.

    Tell ya what here:

    Real:                                          Not real:

    Living beings                            God

    Food&Drinks                            Devil

    Earth                                          Santa

    Get the idea anything that doesnt have proof does not exist.

    Now if someone said prove god doesnt exist, A easy argument could be prove he does. But ill go one step more. Isnt it possible jesus did exist and was crazy/smart and managed to trick/bribe people into beliving him. There on tryed to create A cult which has turned into a religeon. Besides if god existed how was he made? Some say he is self existing ..isnt that also possible about the universe.

  27. by their source

  28. thats the thing we dont we cant now and we probably wont know for a long time i think this is why god gave us  intelligence

    so maybe we could find life on other planets or something of the matter

  29. The only thing that you can ever really believe is real, like in 100% sure, is yourself, but besides that there really is nothing else that you can be sure exists.

  30. Hi Amy

    What's real? well it's all real everything is real.

    Truth on the other hand is alot harder to find. I think belief is more true than what we've been missguided to think.

    The truth is there is no one place you can find the "real" answer you must always keep an open mind even if you know it to be true.

  31. all you have to do is look at the mountains and the earth where millions of organisms have to look at the ocean where its depths are uncharted and its secrets well gaurded...all you have to do is look up and just imagine what is going to happen to you in the event of your demise....personally im 18 and thats how iv come to think about when questions like that start to annoy you...and its good you think about these thing other than ..what makeup your gonna buy...and when your new boyfriend is gonna come!
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