
What is really in cows milk?

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Im sure alot of people have asked this question but i have been doing alot of research and am really eager to be a vegan. Finals are tomorow and my teacher wants me to write on repot on why people should be a vegan. My bus driver has lead me to some interesting questions




  1. milk

  2. Wow, your bus driver, what a source!

    It's amazing the way doctors differ and patients die isn't it?

    I find that scientific analysis is the best way to go here and guess what those live bacteria help to make vital vitamin K in your bowel. Mad altogether!

    Milk is also an excellent source of protein that builds and repairs muscle.

  3. It depends on how the cow is raised.  In commercially farmed animals, dairy cows are fed an unnatural diet that is high in genetically modified, pesticide heavy grains, and are given growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics, medications, and other things that all end up in the milk.  They are also heavily overmilked, so alot of pus, blood and urine end up in the milk.  The milk is heavily pasturized to kill off the harmful bacteria that grow.  That pasturization makes the milk "dead", and destroys enzymes, making many people "lactose intolerant". or allergic to milk. (this was my situation)  However, if a dairy cow is organically farmed, and eats only grass or hay, as nature intended, it will produce a lovely, clean raw milk, which is free from the problems of commercial milk.  I live mosty vegan, but I consider the raw milk I get from my cows to be a gift-I make butter, yogurt, kefir and fresh cheese from the milk.  For me, drinking fresh, raw milk from a healthy, happy cow makes good sense-and even better nutrition.  I wouldn't touch commercial milk for anything!

  4. Well its not really a question of whats in it people actually were never meant to drink cows milk in the first place ..............or any dairy products from animals...........people were only meant to drink milk that we produce from when were born and our mothers breast feed you as a vegan most likely already know are bodies were never meant to digest anything from animals from eating there flesh to consuming what they produce and should only be for themselves

  5. I have full knowledge of what can be in cow's milk, but it's delicious and nutritious. (I know, for some strange reason, that I am going to get so many thumbs down from some vegans here)

  6. Milk is an opaque white liquid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals (including monotremes). It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to digest other types of food. The early lactation milk is known as colostrum, and carries the mother's antibodies to the baby. It can reduce the risk of many diseases in the baby. The exact components of raw milk varies by species, but it contains significant amounts of saturated fat, protein and calcium as well as vitamin C.

    Cow milk contains, on average, 3.4% protein, 3.6% fat, and 4.6% lactose, and supplies 66 kcal of energy per 100 grams.

  7. ONE cubic centimeter (cc) of commercial cow's milk is allowed to have up to 750,000 somatic cells (common name is "PUS") and 20,000 live bacteria... before it is kept off the market.

    That amounts to a whopping 20 million live squiggly bacteria and up to 750 MILLION pus cells per liter (bit more than a quart).

    1 cup = 236.5882cc 177,441,150 pus cells ~ 4,731,600 bacteria

    24 oz (3 glasses) = 532,323,450 pus cells ~ 14,220,000 bacteria

    (the "recommended" daily intake)

    The EU and the Canadians allow for a less "tasty" 400,000,000 pus cells per liter.

    Typically these levels are lower... but they COULD reach these levels and still get to YOUR table.

    Cow's milk is allowed to have f***s in it. This is a major source for bacteria. Milk is typically pasteurized more than once before it gets to your table... each time for only 15 seconds at 162 degrees Fahrenheit.

    To sanitize water one is told to boil it (212 degrees F) for several minutes. That is a tremendous disparity, isn't it!

    Keep in mind that at room temperature the number of bacteria in milk DOUBLE around every 20 minutes. No wonder milk turns rotten very quickly.

    Milk can be thought of as "liquid meat" because of its high protein content which, in concert with other proteins, may actually LEACH calcium from the body. Countries that consume high protein diets (meat, milk and dairy) have the highest rates of osteoporosis.

  8. Mostly just milk.

    Pisces, how many cells are there total in a liter of milk so there's some perspective involved. Quintillions? Sextillions? Either way, the "pus" amounts to a grain of sand in a desert. And fecal matter? How much is on produce since they literally shovel manure right onto it and it "marinates" in it for months as it's growing?

    Now there's some perspective.

  9. Try these links it will help u a lot:-

    ENJOY :-)

  10. Mostly milk.

    First, the regulations would not allow anything to be marketed as food if it is not safe for consumption. So milk with microorganisms are safe for consumption. the anti milk pro vegetarian fanatics would like to scare yo off with this Frankenstein monster image when it is in reality, as one poster said, a grain of sand in the desert. Bottled water is also allowed so many fly parts per liter did you know that? Vegetables and fruits have an acceptable number of insect legs, heads, p**p and what not and still be legal for market. You've probably bitten into an apple with a live worm in it. You did not know because you ate and chewed and swallowed it whole.

    Milk has, is and will continue to be a part of the human diet. If you don't want to drink milk or eat other dairy products that's fine. You don't have to. But you also don't have to malign other people's choices simply because it doesn't fit your own lifestyle. That's just being an a- hole

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