
What is red croos?

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    - an international organization that cares for the sick or wounded or homeless in wartime

    - national society found in most civilized countries taking its name from its insignia, the Geneva Cross (badge of neutrality)

    The American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief and education inside the United States, as part of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

    Today, in addition to domestic disaster relief, the American Red Cross offers services in five other areas: community services that help the needy; communications services and comfort for military members and their family members; the collection, processing and distribution of blood and blood products; educational programs on health and safety; and international relief and development programs.

    American Red Cross

    International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

  2. Red cross is an international non-government organisation dedicated to the succour of people who need medical help of any kind being afflicted by calamities like war, civil strife, Earthquake, drought or floods. In such situations people lose their home and hearth and completely helpless, apart from the medical situations they might find themselves in. As its emblem and flag it adapted the Swiss flag with the colours reversed and that gives it the name. It has proved to be the most successful of its genre. With its ubiquitous presence  functioning all over the globe, the organisation doesn't differentiate between nationalities or races. Its blood bank is largest and never found wanting

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