
What is reference no?

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I see always reference no in many documents and vacancy announcements, but I don't really know what does it mean or what is it used for. forexample, I found it written on a news paper for a vacancy announcement like this: Executive Secretary- Ref#013. one friend told me that they are used in offices and administrations. I need details and who use it and what is the used for. PLEASE HELP




  1. Recruitment agencies place tons of ads each day, and the ref. no. is their way of keeping track of which position or ad you're responding to, since there could be more than 1 ad for a secretary or for an accountant each day. When you respond, just make sure you quote the ref. no. somewhere in your application, usually at the top, or as part of the subject line.

  2. It could mean a couple of things.  Most likely, it's a reference number for an employment agency that allows them to know which employer is pertinent, but doesn't provide the applicant the name so they can check it out for themselves.  But, it could also imply that the advertiser is a larger office and that is simply the secretary slot being filled, maybe with a large legal firm?
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