
What is regional Mexican food??

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What kind of food is popular in different regions of Mexico??My boyfriend is from Tlaxcala & does like flan & pozole alot.What different types of food are popular in different regions of Mexico????Yes I love Spicy foods,Siracha Hot Chili Sauce (Vietnamese) is my favorite.Do most Mexicans think no gringos can tolerate spice???There eyes pop out every time they see me eat Spicy foods!!!




  1. Depending on the region where you choose to eat, certain supplies are more readily available. I know in the western states in Mexico most people eat flour tortillas and corn tortillas in the eastern states. The economy can greatly differ from coast to coast as well, which can reflect which goods are used more as daily staples in a diet.

  2. Mexican food can vary state to state(region to region)due to resources. My husband is from Chiapas and when he came here(USA)and had "Mexican" food he laughed...the US has mostly Mexican-American/Tex-Mex food.

    I also love Siracha!!! I cook with it ALL the time!!! I know...some people act like we can't handle it! (Stereotype) I know several Mexicans who can't eat food as hot as I do! Go 'head girl!)  *giving a high five*

    Cuidate y best wishes to you y tu novio (SPANGLISH)

  3. Regional Mexican food means they are using the traditional foods and preparation methods from that region; for instance the Yucatan would have more fish and seafood dishes, while the interior regions would be more beef, etc.  The spices and types of peppers used may change from place to place, too, as well as flour vs. corn tortillas.  Even the beans may be different, as in black vs pinto, etc.

    Surprisingly, many of the dishes we Americans think of as "Mexican" are Mexican-American dishes not common to Old Mexico.  Ask for queso (as in chile con queso) at a border town and you will get grated cheese.  

    If you live in the North, you truly are an exception if you like spicy food.  I have found that when I travel North and eat their version of Tex-Mex or Southwestern food it is generally very bland and not at all as spicy as what I'm familiar with here in Texas.  However, I can't eat jalapenos by themselves and wouldn't even attempt habaneros!

  4. my family is from guanajuato, but we are extremely close to morelia michoacan....i can tell you that in this area carnitas are very popular as well as corundas (somewhat like a tamal but different shape and corn), pozole, menudo, bunuelos, atole, all types of caldo (chicken or beef), barbacoa, all types of tacos (asada, pastor, lengua, brains....etc) oh and yes spicy is a total must in this region

    about the "gringos" not tolerating spicy foods....i think its just a stereotype that has stuck with them.....i mean theres a bunch of them that cant handle spicy food but then theres also others that love it, so it really depends on the person and how they grew up

  5. Carnitas are the thing where my grandparents are. They do stuff like tamales, and lots of tortillas and chicken soup although i was freaked out when they put a chicken leg on my plate, Im talking of the skinny leg with the little fingers..eeew. Anyway, deep fried carnitas is like the meal of kings there and only do it during festivities unless you go out to the markets and buy it. Menudo is always big on Sunday..its almos a religious thing. Pozole I love, and little c**p like Champurrado, the kind that is so thick you cant even swallow but like a cup later you are 100 lbs heavier, calientitos, bunuelos...and I just ruined my diet thinking of it..thanks! :)

    oh..and thats near Guanajuato.

  6. the region of michoacan has the best birria. its also known as barbacoa ( birria )

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