
What is required to feel that HERE and NOW is HAPPINESS?

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What is required to feel that HERE and NOW is HAPPINESS?




  1. out of nowhere comes now here

    release of the past (regrets, guilt)

    and future (anticipations, fear)

    seated in the ever-present eternal moment

    whats happening now is in-tense!

  2. Your own attitude that it is how you feel.

  3. o****m.

  4. If you say to yourself "I am happy, right here and now" then you will be. It's as easy as that. :-)

  5. Just let go of all that is not here and now. That is personal, lasting happiness.

  6. likes HERE... likes NOW... big HAPPINESS for you...

  7. "The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly".-Buddha

    Buddha emphasized the importance of being mindful....being in the present moment. It is also called the "present moment awareness". He explains how to train yourself to be mindful in each moment in what ever you do. It does not matter if you are standing, sitting, walking, lying down, eating, drinking or even going to the washroom, he said to train yourself to be mindful.

    It may sound very easy but in reality you may find it very difficult. Your mind will wonder even before you know it. It is the nature of the conditioned mind. It is also called the "monkey mind" (like a monkey jumping from branch to branch) as stated in some Buddhist texts.

    If you like to test this out you may want start in small steps, for example, while brushing the teeth in the morning. Slowly with time and diligent effort you may be able to be mindful for the full length of brushing your teeth. You may eventually try this at other tasks like at work and driving a car. The benefits are that you are less likely to allow your mind to wonder into repeated unnecessary chain of thoughts about the future or the past ("ping-pong mind") which will drain the mind energy. Secondly you are less likely to make a mistake at work or driving and in fact may even save your job or your life.

    "Do not go after the past,

    Nor lose yourself in the future.

    For the past no longer exists,

    And the future is not yet here.

    By looking deeply at things just as they are,

    In this moment , here and now,

    The seeker lives calmly and freely- Buddha

  8. The past and future do not exist so all we ever have is the here and now.So living in the present is a place where happiness flourishes .

  9. I think you have to, genuinely and whole-heartedly, embrace your own mortality. You will one day die, nothing will ever change that. Once you come to terms with that, I imagine life becomes all the more sweeter.

  10. Jung said that the adult only finds happiness in a settled religious worldview, and that outside of this all is meaningless and despairing.

  11. Basically three things:

    - To know the value of the things that you have here and now, and for this you need a long process of dialectic work and determination, perhaps in a period of several years, where you erase the garbage that society has created and doesnt yield a true happinness.

    - You need dominate the ego, because it cretes the ilusion that you are the center of the universe y makes that you see other people as if they had a lower level. You began to appreciate all the people with clarity.

    - Finally, you need to be aware, but sincerely, not fooling yourself, that you can die tonight. Thus, you are gonna enjoy all the things you have here and now.

  12. The will to believe that all things in your life will get better and with that they will undoubtedly.  Then you will have a happy life forever, unless you stop believing.

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