
What is rhubabrb?

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Is this a fruit or vegetable? I have only seen its use in pies & always paired with strawberry. I also heard it is poisonous!

What does it taste like?

Thank you.




  1. rhubarb is a fruit and makes delicious pies look recipes, only the leaves are poisenous

  2. It's a purple vegetable, it grows in the ground.

    My gran would make Rhubarb pie every now and then from her patch in her garden, its ok, not as nice as apple tart.

    Its not poisonous, when my neighbour sold his house, the new fam that moved in didnt want the rhubarb patch so they took it out and gave everyone a stick of rhubarb to eat. It's not very nice raw.

  3. vegtble very bitter

  4. Rhubarb resembles celery, but it's sort of a maroon color.  The taste is very tart, and is rarely eaten alone.  My grandmother made a strawberry rhubarb pie, which was wonderful.

  5. I am a former chef and it is a vegetable fruits have to have seed, it is a member of the "Rhizome" family like strawberrys, ginger and potatos, they send out root shoots and the plants grow from them. That is why you can split a rhubarb root ball and get it to peopel to transplant for there own and the plant never dies??

    That is way as stated they go so well with the fruit and ginger that they are related to, I have made pies, crumble, cobblers, chutneys and love it just stewed with sugar, we had a patch when I was a a young lad and away awaited the time it was ripe to eat, and as state the live are not really poisonous they have a natural toxin that makes your mouth burn, protection against animals chewing on the leaves, you do not see alot of chewed up rhubarb leaves in the patch, even the bugs stay away.

  6. To clarify:  it is a TART VEGETABLE, not a fruit!

  7. Oooh rhubarb crumble and custard! It has a slightly sour taste, so you must usually add sugar or a sweet fruit like strawberry. Ginger also complements it. Rhubarb and custard is the perfect mix of sweet and sour and tastes divine.

  8. its a veggie the leaves are poisonous you eat the stem part the redder it is the less tart it is.. Ive had rhubarb jelly ,dumplings , ice cream topping , pies

  9. a vegtable. i grow rhubarbrb.

    i think it's very tasty and full of flavore. i like the taste because its sweet.

  10. Although it's classified as a vegetable, most rhubarb recipes are "fruity" because sweetener is added. Rhubarb has a very tart flavor. A lot people several generations ago had a "pie plant" in their garden or yard. It was the first plant in the spring that they could use to make pies or sauces. The stalk is eaten, but the leaves are poisonous. I've had punch made with rhubarb juice and it was very good. Children used to chew on the stalks raw-making it the original Sour Patch Kid treat.
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