
What is right and not right to wear to school for a six year old child??????

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My six year old child was told her shirt was inaporiate, she was wearing it to tight. She is six and I dress her MYSELF! She had a long shirt on and I pulled the back in a knot with a tee elastic, but was reveiling no skin. She came home upset, she told me that her teacher told her she wasn't allowed to wear her shirt like that. The shirt was to tight and quote "she shouldn't be trying to show off her belly!" She wasn't to wear that shirt to school again; not like that! I was obviously offended, due to the fact she is six, and I dress her. I was then ask by my daughter quote " Why would she think I was trying to show off my stomach, and why would I being do that and why is it BAD!" Well obviously I had to explain about things I didn't think were RIGHT at her age!! I phoned the principal to talk about this matter and was told, oh ...oh I am sure it was a missunderstanding, but does she watch the BRATZ CARTOON, YES IMAGINE!!!! My question, should I take this personal? I




  1. Even our grade school K-8th grade has a dress code. Some things i can see for the older kids but, find it strange for the little kids.

    anyway here is what i remember of it

    shirts must cover midrift

    shirts must have sleeves- no tank tops

    No shirts with bands or inappropriate writing on them

    No shirts that are too large or too small

    Pants must fit correctly- nothing below the waiste line

    shoes must have backs on them- no flip flops- sandles are ok if they have a strap on back.

    dresses must be t-shirt type not tankie top sleeves

    dont take it's happen to all of daughter loves those summer dresses with the tank top sleeves.....who would of thought she couldn't wear them. They sent her home with a tshirt under her dress.

  2. RIDICOLOUS!!! they probably thought she did it by herself to attempt to look older or S****y.......

  3. let your kid be a kid, why do you tie her shirt back when she can simply wear it the way it was? u seem to be too concerned with her appearance already

  4. No you shouldn't take it personal. Your child's teacher is looking out for the best interests of your little girl. There are soooo many pedophiles out there that are constantly on the look out for an easy target- and there are a lot of "little" girls that are trying to look older than they are by wearing tight clothes, low cut jeans, etc.... from the teacher's point of view, her shirt just may have been distracting to the other children, also. I have a 6 yr old boy and he is constantly coming home and telling me about whose underpants were hanging out of their low cut jeans. Don't do that to her shirts anymore and I'm sure your daughter will be fine.

  5. Why would you pull a six year olds shirt back to make it tight? That seems like pre-s**t behavior to me.

  6. Ok. pulling/tying her shirt back??????!!!???

    come on. to be a responsible parent (no offense) you should make sure your child does not look like that. it makes her look sluty and stuff. ok yeah she loves bratz. i mean bratz has some shirts that you can wear WITH SLEEVES and they actually fit nicely becuase i bought my neice  one the other day. but what i am trying to say is that even though she is six you should not be exposing her body out there like that. and you should not take it personal. and i think when she gets in middle skool she is going t obe getting all the attention from the boys (and they and other girls will call her a h-o-e/s-l-u-t) and you wont care becuase you have let her wear it since ELEM. SKOOL and trust me i am in middle skool and girls are always being caleld names becuase of the clothes they wear. so WATCH IT

  7. The only legitimate reason to tie back a six-year-old's shirt is that the shirt was too big.   If it fit properly, there would be no need to tie it.  She may not have been showing her stomach when she left the house, but during the course of the day, it's possible that the shirt "rode up" on her.

    I'd suggest buying clothes that are your daughter's appropriate size.   A six-year-old should be wearing a shirt long enough to cover her stomach, close-fitting enough not to be a fire hazard, but loose enough to be comfortable.   There are tons of cute inexpensive t-shirts and long-sleeved shirts at Kohl's, Old Navy, Wal-Mart, Target, and even kids' consignment shops.   There is no need to make a six-year-old look s**y.

  8. Sounds to me like you wanted her to look older then she is.

  9. Some of the hooter girls tie their shirts like that. Your daughter is only 6, why would you do that? Yes, it is a problem to have her dress this way in elementary. Don't let her grow up to fast my dear. Enjoy the cute things that she can wear. you will miss this age.

  10. You pulled her shirt back with an elastic because??? To make it tighter in the front?

    Think about it in general and don't get offended: why would someone want to make a shirt tighter in the front?Is it more comfortable? OR is it to focus attention on a person's front?

    If she were in high school that would be the point, right?

    Yes, I understand she is only six and doesn't have b*****s yet---but that is kind of my point. Why have her dressing NOW in a way that attracts attention to certain body parts?

    It  sounds like your daughter has an an innocent and  healthy view of her body and sees all parts as equal and good, if you continue to emphasize certain parts over others then she isn't going to continue to have this view.

    IMO It isn't appropriate.

  11. Ok, if it is worn on BRATZ it's innappropriate.  Tying back the shirts or tying them up in front or back where they are snugger is not appropriate.  If her underwear shows any little bit from her pants or skirts they are inappropriate. The teacher most likely complained because the shirt probably revealed too much of her shape underneath (not that 6 year olds have shape but you know what I mean) from pulling it back to make it snug.   If that was the case, yeah, it was inappropriate.  

    A 6 year old needs to be wearing stuff like Garanamils,  clothes that fit but that are not tight and things that are innocent- not rock n roll shirts or things that look like Bratz (which are totally inappropriate in the way they dress).  Spaghetti straps and things like that are also not good choice for a 6 yo.

    I wouldn't take it personal but I would avoid the too short, too tight, too droopy, too "teen looking" type clothing on her from now on.

  12. it was long so you tied it back, nothing wrong with that. I have a 6 year old too, I know exactly what you are talking about. It is possible that when your daughter was playing and had her hands raised above her head the shirt rose and exposed her tummy, but if that's the case, why didn't they just ask her to remove the t tie? Why did they make it an issue? I think you were correct in asking the principal about it. And 3/4 of the 6 year old girl population loves Bratz dolls, my daughter has several. That doesnt' mean anything unless you are purposly copying their fashion. But to answer your question, no, I wouldn't take it personal, however, I would speak with her teacher and tell her that your daughter felt singled out and was left confused. She should either call you or send a note home in the future.

  13. I think I would accompany my child to school and ask for a conference with the teacher and principal. That is ridicoulous - my 13 year old pulls her tshirts back with elastic bands and I think it's cute.   6 year olds don't even have to consider b***s budding out   - Get real !

  14. Ok, whats so wrong with her wearign a tshirt pulled back? It seems normal, and not exposing any part of the body. As for her rolling up her shirt and exposing her stomach, that isnt appropriate behaviour for a girl her age. You simply tell her that little girls shouldnt be exposing their bellys to the world, and if she does it again punish her.

  15. I think you should question your judgment. That does seem inappropriate for a six year old. Why would you be tying her shirt back? That may be something YOU would do to your shirt, but she is a little girl...let her be a little girl. Kids these days grow up way too fast for you to be encouraging her to grow up faster. You think you are teaching her to be s**y? At six? Come on...what is the matter with you? The teacher was right, and you were wrong. You should apologize to the teacher and to your daughter for putting her in the predicament to begin with.

  16. No, don't take it personally.

    Have a chat with the are not always the most accurate reporters.  OTOH, schools do have dress codes and the teacher may have just been doing her best to follow it.

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