
What is ring bone?

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Im looking to buy a horse . But it has ring bone does that mean the horse cant compeat or be ridden? or what is it??




  1. He will have big bumbs on his corrnetband and can not bend in joints

    also you better have him seen by a vet before you buy it gets worse not better, sorry

    but I would not buy that horse hes pastern will not or can not bend forward ,,

    bad deal for all

    You will not be able to ride him at all gets worse,

    poor horse,, should be put down

    how old he is ?,,

    mainly because ridden to much on hard surface and on forhand

    get xxrays asap.

    he will not pass a vet

  2. well how do you know he does?

    did you have a vet ck him out ? x rays ? how bad is it ?rated ?

    also what did the people say about it ?

    If he has it  at all,, all it  will do is get worse,

    Now ring bone is when a horse has had arthritis, and has done allot of work on the forehand , to much weight and hard surfaces

    and now the 2 pastern goes together to the other bone and he will not be able to bend at those joints like before,,

    There is high and low ring bone

    side bone is almost the same but it is from turning But same reasons above,,,,, It will always get worse

    since bone will grow to make new bone

    and then spurs will become part of the new bone that fuses them toghther

    There are other ways of saying it

    I guess i could give you a bunch of web sites on it,, which you can look up

    and why don't you do that before picking a person,,,

    so go to ring bone in horses,,, Yahoo it

    or side bone in horses push the search button

    Wha la you will have it

    Hope that helps

    I know if I asked a question I could not find it on the net or I did not understand what it meant

    Thats why I ASK ON HERE ?

    But You should call a vet out and get x rays ,, And no The horse will never heal from it it can be held back

    But only light ridding

    If it gets to the point to where meds are needeed everyday

    well then Your no better then a person that runs a barrel horse with arthiitis in his hocks

    Its very very pain full

    Good corrective shoeing can help But it will not make it go away period ,,

    find another horse

  3. That means it depends on what stage it is in ?

    if its really progressed No you will NOT be able to compete

    It would be like you if you had your ankle froze together at the joint

    Very painful , special shoes can help . so will Bute

    But your not able to compete if at a show that has  drug regulations , some may be on bute , but not for that reason

    Plus he will be lame

    Why ride a lame horse

    It will only make him worse

    IT'S VERY CRUEL To ride a lame horse that hurts

    Don't you think ??

    But in the long run it will just get worse and worse

    then you will have to either put him out to pasture or put him down if he can not walk or lye down or get up ..

    Its when the joints fused together, from to much hard ridding and being on the fore hand ,,

    It not genetic ,, only if its a conformation default ,,!!

    Get x rays and ask the vet

    You can try to help prolonging it from getting worse faster , But evetually it will be worse
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