
What is rosetting?

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I was reading an article about eustoma flowers and read the term rosetting.




  1. Many pathogens do not cause necrosis, but interfere with cell growth or development. Plants thus affected may eventually become necrotic, but the activity of the pathogen is primarily inhibitory or stimulatory. If there is a decrease in cell number or size, the expressions of pathological activity are classified as hypoplases; if cell number or size is increased, the symptoms are grouped as hyperplases. These activities are very specific and most helpful in diagnosis. In the former group are such symptoms as mosaic, rosetting, and stunting, with obvious reduction in plant color, structure, and size. In the latter group are gall, scab, and witches'-broom, all visible evidence of stimulation of growth and development of plant tissues.


    Important horticultural characteristics for broccoli include yield (which is related to uniform field maturity, and head size and stem weight), and head and stem color (dark green is preferred for processing). Heads should be firm and supported by a deeply branched stem. Domed heads shed water and are less susceptible to head rot than are flat heads. Smooth heads are needed for fresh market, whereas processors prefer segmented heads. The individual branches or florets should be small, firm, and even in maturity and color. Small flower buds (called "beads") are preferred. Defects include uneven flower bud development ("rosetting"), large bead size, loose heads, depression in center of the head, dead flower buds, leaves in head, and yellow color.

    Rosetting, defined as the binding of two or more uninfected red blood cells (rbc) to an infected rbc, occurs when malarial parasites mature, to trophozoites and schizonts, in the second half of their asexual development. Rosetting is believed to be an important factor in the development of cerebral malaria.

  2. The term was new to me as well. Having looked at the wiki entry and seen how rose-like the pictured eustoma flower is, and having checked my dictionary, I am sure that "rosetting" means "to become rose-like," or "developing rose-like markings."
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