
What is rosweld?What is the big bang?

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What is rosweld?What is the big bang?




  1. The Big Bang is a theory that the universe expanded after it was created from an explosion of the cosmic egg, which contained all of the Universe's matter.

    As for Rosweld, not sure what you mean by that. If you mean Roswell, it's an area of suspected alien activity.  

  2. Roswell  is a  place in New Mexico where supposedly (urban legend) an alien craft  landed sometime in the 40s or 50s.

    The big bang on the other hand is a theory of a moment in our history when all the volcanoes erupted  perhaps due to the landing of a giant meteor of cataclysmic proportions.

    Others postulate the big bang to have been caused by a collision with another planet which resulted in the breaking of Pangea and creation of our moon.

    Roswell the place actually exists. As for the aliens, who knows but Roswell remains a tourist attraction and of course and people just come to say that they have been to Roswell. Buy a t-shirt that says "I have been to Roswell" , pick up the one where an alien arm is painted on your tshirt around you.

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