
What is sadder - blindly bashing a team or guaranteeing a team's success in the post-season?

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As a Cubs fan, I find there are two very sad things said here. The first is my fellow Cubs fans who are going so far as to guarantee a World series title this year (I'll admit they look pretty good, but let's not get ahead of ourselves) and the second is the folks that somehow feel that having the best record on baseball is a sign that they "suck". On the grand scale of idiotic comments, which of these types of statements is more stupid?




  1. I find blindly bashing another team to be worse, but I won't guarantee a Cubs win in any game, much less a season.  I do like our chances, though.

  2. both of those are very sad and pathetic. I dislike it too. If i had to choose i think i'll go with guaranteeing a team's success in the post season. If you say all these stupid things about so and so winning the WS and beating everyone and they don't even go past the first round...well then that just makes you look even more stupid

    I guess you can say i like humble people who just work hard no matter what. Angels have been slipping lately ever since they got some attention for being the best team in baseball for a while and i don't want to blame it on complacency.. although it could be a possibility. All i know is they need to play better if they want to last longer..  

  3. Blindly bashing for sure.  I hope I'm not one of those Cubs fans you speak of.  

  4. Bashing. There's plenty of room for valid criticism in baseball, goodness knows there are teams that REALLY need some good scouring to get the deadwood and debris out of the house, but bashing (or, worse, "suck" in any pejorative form) is simply mindless negativity. Granted some cannot do better than this, but that doesn't make it any less pathetic.

    Predicting playoff success for one's team is brash but harmless, as long as there are current season results that somewhat support such a contention. (Hint: being in third place is not a strong position from which to level such guarantees.)

  5. Blindly bashing is much sadder. My mother always taught me "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." and I think that's a good rule. It's always sad when someone feels the only way to bring themselves up is to tear someone else down.

    Guaranteeing victory may be misguided but it's positive and says "I think we're going to win because I believe in my team". Not sad at all unless you are the one who gave the guarantee and then your team loses.

  6. I'd go with blindly bashing because it really shows off their ignorance. At least premature predictions shows a passion for their team.

    Rays fan here, and I'm with you on this.  We're all considered bandwagons, the Rays can't win without experience ( They've got this far w/o experience and look at the Yankees with all their experience)

    Here's hoping for a Rays-Cubs WS

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